闽南方言(Minnan Dialect).doc

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闽南方言(Minnan Dialect)

闽南方言(Minnan Dialect) The daily language of the southern Fujian dialect (including Chaoshan area), wa (I) Ru / Li (you) Yi (he) Xiao (neuropathy) Feeding (chewing) Zhou (rice) Seven peach (play Italy) Yao ghost (curse gluttony) Mountain Monkey (rural folk) ancient cone (lively and lovely) 38 (two hundred and fifty meaning) convex wind (good talk) Mountain (funeral ceremony) White Thief (to lie) Bad spectrum (that ring habit) bad dog (rascal) Bad mouth (swearing) (no matter) Salty rice pudding Shit (tears) head brother (headman of Italy) Bass eel (hooligan), turtle (cry, father, curse) Check (a woman) Tai Po (man) (a man). The windmill (boastful) Lead a monkey (pimp) a turtle Words (Fairy), good empty (get benefits) India Mao (too bad personnel) (Aberdeen improper person) Thick tea (strong tea) Thick wine (high wine), Chi Zhi (events) While food (Mou Sheng) took advantage of the money (money) Hu Qin (flies) midges (mosquitoes) Must open (split), must mark (crack) Eat (eating rice) chyme (eat Rice porridge) Grain (not good) (by pointing) from the sideline while talking Ask a big pig (fool) for a word (refusal) Good nose lion (smell sensitive) tile cutting (I dont know) Clap your mouth and talk about your jokes A dog in the limelight (half mad) Install (pretend) as the bear generation (the same) A generation of (what) three (a) A great deal of attention (partiality, partiality) Without a bare head (without ability) without head (forgetfulness) Fierce ring (cruel) see male female (male or female) Hell ghost (curse short-lived) double good (both) Ancient early (ancient) ancient book (ancient book) An early man (ancient) ancient thing (Antique) The person who is away from home is forehand flat (right) Disgraced (face) indecent (lost personality) Xian Gong (tricks) to step good (good) Good luck (Ji Xiang) all step (good sinister) There are two steps (both sides), there is light (a bit) A short line (suicide) reputation (reputation) Chaos (nonsense) generally too noisy Compa


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