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South Luogu Lane 南锣鼓巷Also called Nan luo gu xiang Nan luo gu AlleyNan luo guxiang Hutong.History South Luogu Lane is 786 meters long and 8 meters wideconnecting Gulou East St. on its north and Di’anmen East St.on the south. South Luogu Lane was built in 1267 when YuanDa Du was constructed and was a component of the marketarea in Yuan Da Du’s urban layout which had the imperialgovernment built in the front the market area at the back theimperial ancestral temple on the left and the sacrificial altar onthe right. The lane was part of the ZhaoHui Community in theYuan Dynasty and served as the dividing line between theZhaoHui community and the JingGong Community in the MingDynasty. It was under the jurisdiction of the XiangHuangBanner during the years of Emperor Qianlong and belongedto the Left III Community in the late years of Emperor Guangxuand during the years of Emperor Xuantong. During theRepublic of China years it belonged to the Inner V Community. The Lane was called “Luoguo Lane” in the Ming Dynastydue to its “Luoguo” feature with the middle part higher thanthe two ends. In 1750 the lane got a homonymic name of“Luogu Lane” and was divided into South Luogu Lane andNorthern Luogu Lanenow within the Andingmen Community.The name of the lane remained “South Luogu Lane” duringand after the years of the Republic of China. The hutong wasbriefly called “Huihuang St.” during the Cultural Revolutionand later regained its current name. South Luogu Lane was built under the architecturalconcept of “residential blocks”– with the lane serving as thecentral line dividing 8 parallel hutongs on each side henceforming the outlook of a fish bone or a “Wugong”. Thus thelane was also called “Wugong Lane”. South Luogu Lane is theonly remaining traditional residential area in China that stillfully preserves the chess-board style layout of hutongstypically found in the Yuan Dynasty with its scale quality andhistorical value unmatched by any other lanes. South Luogu Lane was among the fi


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