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35 5 V o l. 35, No. 5 2006 10 In fo rmat on and Contro l O ct. , 2006 : 1002204 11( 2006) 05206 14205 1, 2 1 1 于广平 , 苑明哲 , 王 宏 ( 1. , 110016; 2. , 100049) : 20 50 ; ( WI A ) 122D 3( ASM 1A SM 2ASM 2DA SM 3) ; ASM . , A SM ) ) ) . * : ; ; ; A SM () : X 703 : A D evelopm en t and App lication of A ctivated Sludge M athem aticalM odels for W astew ater Treatment Process 1, 2 1 1 YU Guang2p ng , YUAN M ng2zhe , WANG H ong ( 1. Sheny ang In st itu te of A u tom ation, Ch ineseA cademy of S ciences, Shenyang 1100 16, China; 2. G raduate School of the Chinese A cad emy of Sciences, B eji ing 100049, Ch ina ) Abstrac t: T h s paper summa r zes the developm ent of act vated sludge m athemat cal m odels fo r w astew ater treat2 m ent pro cess s nce 1950s, and presents the character st cs and restr ct ons of act vated sludge m odels N o. 1, 2, 2D and 3 ( A SM 1, A SM 2, ASM 2D, ASM 3) recommended by IWA ( Internat ona lW ater A ssoc at on) . Som e typ cal types of comm erc al sm ulat on softw ares based on ASM are descr bed. F nally, three key ssues concern ng the app l ca t on of ASM m ode ls, . e. w a ter qua l ty ana lys s, m odel sm pl f cat on and param eters ca l brat on are d scu ssed. K eywords: act vated sludge m ethod; w astew ater treatment; m athem at ca lm odel; A SM ( A ct vated Sludge M od2 el) , ( CO )


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