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* Burns is another harmful effect of electrical accidents. Electricity produces high heat that will burn your skin. Burns are associated with mild shocks as we discussed earlier. 烧伤是电力事故造成的另一危害。电产生的高温会灼伤你的皮肤。烧伤通常会伴随着轻度电击,我们在前面已经介绍过相关内容。 * An Explosion can occur when a Flammable atmosphere such as fumes from alcohol, gas or hydrogen become in contact with an ignition source such as an open flame or an electrical spark. Do you know that certain States have a law that mandates to turn off cell phones when you stop for gas at a gas station? The reason is you are in a flammable atmosphere and the cell phone creates a static discharge when it rings that could ignite the fumes. 当易燃的气体(如:酒精、汽油或氢气)与火源接触(如:明火或电火花)时,就会发生爆炸。你知道吗,在美国有一些州立法规定在汽油站加油时必须要关闭手机。原因在于那时你处于易燃的气体中,当手机响时,会放出静电,这样就可能点燃易燃的气体。 Fires can start due to bad connections or splices. A bad connection produces high resistance in the circuit and this produces heat, to the point that the insulation of the wire melts and catches on fire. 连接不当将可能造成火灾。电路中不当的连接会产生强大的电阻,使温度升高,熔化电线外部的绝缘体,最终导致火灾。 * Housekeeping is very important in the prevention of accidents as well as fires. 家务对于预防诸如火灾等事故来说非常重要。 Rags, trash and debris can be conductive, provide fuel for a fire, or even trip you. 碎布、垃圾和碎片具有传导性,会成为火灾的导火线,甚至会把你绊倒。 Clean up spills, they can also be conductive, and last… 将水渍清除干净,它们也会导电。最后 Keep the floor dry. 保持地板干燥。 * Whenever you are working with electricity remember that water and electricity are a bad combination. Dont work around electricity when, you are wet, when your clothes are wet or when you are in the Rain. 当你带电工作时,记住水和电相遇会造成严重的危害。当你的身体或衣服湿的时候,或下雨时,不要在电器附近工作。 Don’t work outside during a Lighting storm. If inside, Never work on live equipment. Equipment must be totally isolated. 闪电暴雨时,不要在室外工作。在室内工作时,也不要碰带电的机器。设备必须完全断电。 * Atmosphere 气体 Where flammable materials are present only occasionally, electric equipment capable of igniting them must not be used, unless measures are taken to prevent hazardous co


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