Starter部分 Module 1-3阶段巩固.doc

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Starter部分 Module 1-3阶段巩固

Starter部分 Module 1-3阶段Close write know say 3 数字 4 常见人、物词汇积累 class name teacher friend book hand student telephone number boy girl desk dog chair bag bird cat flower pen pencil 5 颜色 6 人称: I my me \she her\ you your \ he him his\ they them their\ it its 7 单数和复数的理解 8 is am are 的用法 9、 一、完成句子 1. My n ___ is Kate,her ______is Julie. 2. W _____ is your name, please? 3 G______________ afternoon, Miss Zhang. 4. —H __ are you? —Fine, thanks. 5 This is Tom, ____________(他) is my friend. 6 This is Miss Wang, she is my _____________(老师) 7 Can you ____________ (拼写)your name, please? 8 It’s ____________(时间)to go now, goodbye. 9 This is my ____________(朋友), His name’s Daming. 10 ____________ (她) is my friend, _____________(她的) name is Amy.21?cn?jy?com 11 See you ______________ (明天),Lingling.12.C the door. 13 P sit down. 14 .How m boys are there? 15. T is my friend. His name is John. 16 .N to meet you. 17. Thirteen and seven is t . 18 My t number is 598 098. 19. There is a desk and two c in her room. 20 When the teacher let you sit down, you should say“t you.” 21 . Lily likes l to music. 二 把下列短语翻译成英语 1 谢谢你 2 早上好 3 下午好 4 你的名字 5 我的朋友 6 他的老师 7 明天见 8 她的朋友们 9 很高兴认识你 10 拼写它 10.电话号码_______ 11 .起立_______ 12.一名新学生_______13.在四班 _______ 14.举起_______ 15.打开你的书_______ 三.用下列单词的适当形式填空。 1. ________________(class), please sit down. 2. ----What’ s _____________(he) name? ----He’s Daming. 3. ----Daming, please sit down. ----______________(thank) you. 4. Can you _____________(spell) your name? 5. ____________(see) you tomorrow. 四. 用am, is, are填空(每题1分,满分10分) 1. I ___________Chen Zhou.2. What ____________your name, please? 3. ----How __________you? ----I am fine, thank you.21教育网 4. This ___________my friend, Tony.5. She _________


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