中药内服外洗配合功能锻炼治疗强直性脊柱炎36例(Treatment of 36 cases of ankylosing spondylitis with internal medicine, external washing and functional exercises).doc

中药内服外洗配合功能锻炼治疗强直性脊柱炎36例(Treatment of 36 cases of ankylosing spondylitis with internal medicine, external washing and functional exercises).doc

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中药内服外洗配合功能锻炼治疗强直性脊柱炎36例(Treatment of 36 cases of ankylosing spondylitis with internal medicine, external washing and functional exercises)

中药内服外洗配合功能锻炼治疗强直性脊柱炎36例(Treatment of 36 cases of ankylosing spondylitis with internal medicine, external washing and functional exercises) Valacicori combined with functional exercise in Treating 36 cases of ankylosing spondylitis Update: 2009-03-11 click: Author: experience of 4 discussion and observation of Zhao Jinhua 1 clinical data of 2 treatment efficacy 3 Keywords ankylosing spondylitis; traditional Chinese medicine; Herbal Fumigation; functional exercise The author since 1992 by oral and washing combined with functional exercise in Treating 36 cases of ankylosing spondylitis, clinical curative effect is satisfied, is hereby reported as follows. 1.1 general outpatient 36 cases in 13 cases, 23 cases of hospitalized. Male 30 cases, female 6 cases; at least 16 years of age, 30 years; the shortest duration of 3 years, the longest 10 years. Location: 3 cases in 1 cases of cervical, thoracic, lumbar sacral vertebra in 16 cases, 11 cases, 5 cases of hip joint. 1.2 diagnostic criteria 36 cases according to the diagnostic criteria of diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis in ref. 1. 8 cases of the disease early, 25 cases middle, 3 cases of late. 2.1 Chinese herbal medicine (self): 10g of nidus Vespae white mustard 7g officinalis 15g 15g 10g 30g of medlar Epimedium kelp 7g 9g 60g Astragalus Chuanxiong pangolin 12g 9g 12g Angelica angelica root 6G 12g 6G licorice Guizhi Wujiapi Celastrus 30g Daily 1 agent, water decoction orally, sooner or later. 30 agents for 1 courses. Wash 2. 2 drugs (self): 30g 15g 15g pepper notopterygium Angelica 10g 10g of Radix Aconiti kusnezoffii Geranium 20g Papaya 15g Spatholobus 30g bile Arisaema 10g Shenjincao 30g 15g Guizhi Strychnos 10g On the decoction of 30min decoction, will be poured into the pot, until the liquid after mild scrub scrub affected part, daily 1 times, 30min each time, 30 times for 1 course of treatment. Every dose of medicine can be used repeatedly for 2 to 3 times. 2.3 functional exercise Ask the patient daily as spinal e



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