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产 品 购 销 合 同 (CONTRACT) 甲 方(需方) : (Buyer) : 乙 方(供方) : (Supplier) : 经甲乙双方协商,就甲方向乙方定购指定品牌电子产品相关事宜约定如下: Both parties consultation, party a shall order specified brand electronic product related matters agreed as follows: 定购产品(以下简称“电子产品”): Article 1 order products (hereinafter referred to as the electronic products) : 序号 Serial number 产品名称product name 规格型号specification 配置说明 specification 厂商 manufacturers 单位unit 数量 number 单价unit 总金额Total amount 1 2 3 价款总计: Total capital: 大写: 小写: (含17%增值税) lowercase price: Small: (to contain 17% VAT) 备 注: Note: 交货地点: 交货期: Delivery location: Delivery time: 质量要求及技术标准: Article 2 the quality requirements and technical standard: 按照本合同第一条约定的规格型号和配置说明提供电子产品,质量标准按照生产厂商技术标准。 Article 1 in accordance with the prescribed specifications and configuration that provides electronic products, quality standard according to manufacturer technical standards. 包装与运输: Packaging and shipping: article 3-1 包装方式:纸箱 3-1 packing: cartons 3-2 运输安排由供方负责,供方代办运输至需方指定地点:甲方办公地点,运输费用由供方承担。 3-2 transportation arrangement is responsible by the supplier, and the supplier for transportation to the designated place: party a location, transport costs by the supplier. 第四条 价款约定: Article 4 price: 4-1需方预付货款30%,货到需方即付清余下货款 4-1 the buyer prepaid 30%, goods to the buyer is paid the money 4-2支付方式:支票、网银 4-2 payment: check, net 第五条 收货和验收条款: Article 5 receiving and acceptance: 5-1 验收标准:按照本合同第二条约定的质量要求及技术标准。 5-1 acceptance criteria: according to this contract 2 the prescribed quality requirements and technical standards. 5-2 乙方在交货地点有办事


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