
英文六篇 - 图片课.docx

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英文六篇 - 图片课

1.啃老族必背范文精解Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay,you shoulddescribe the drawing briefly,explain its intended meaning ,and thensuggest solution to this problemYou should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)话题剖析图中是一个年轻人正在一个叫做“食老一族”的碗里喝酒作乐,他的年迈的父亲很生气地站在旁边,请他从啃老的碗里出来。这是目前在年轻人中较为普遍的不良现象,折射的是某些年轻人的依赖心与懒惰。该文第一段依然是图画的总体描述与细节描述,第二段点出寓意,可用现状+成因+后果的经典负面现象三论证,第三段提出自己的看法与建议。必背范文及范文精译As we can see in the picture, a young man is drinking and singing enjoyfully in a bowl, while his father is standing beside whose facial expression implys that he is rather furious. The caption on the bowl is “the Neets” or people who depend on their parents for a living after gorwing up. The symbolic implication of the cartoon is rather apparent that a host of youngsters are devoid of independence and enjoy reaping without sowing. A couple of reasons contribute to the adverse trend. Initially, those who rely on their parent after growing up possess no awareness that one’s value of life lies in approaching happiness and success by himself. Depending on others can merely result in laziness and lack of competence. Additionally, the excessive tolerance from their parents also accounts for this phenomenon. If nothing can be done to block this adverse tendency, both youngsters as well as their parents are doomed to reap what they have sown. From my point of view, youngsters should form a correct way of living and feel shameful if they cannot support themselves as an adult. It is also imperative for their parents and schools to cultivate them, guide them and even push them to enter society and therefore be polished and steeled. Just as an old saying goes, “no cross, no crown.”如图所示,一个年轻人在碗里欢歌畅饮,而他的父亲则站在外面,满脸怒气。碗上写有“啃老族”,指的是那些虽已成人,但仍靠父母生存的年轻群体。该图寓意明显,许多年轻人缺乏独立,喜好不劳而获。造成这一不良趋向的原因如下。首先,成人后仍依赖父母的年轻人并未意识到,一个人生活的价值在于通过自己的力量赢得幸福与成功。依靠他人只会导致懒惰与缺乏竞争力。此外,父母的过度宽容也是导致这一现象的原因。如果不对这种不良倾向进行制止,年轻人与他们的父母都会品尝其恶果。在我看来,年轻人应养成正确的生活方式,如果不能自己养活自己,应该为此感到羞辱。父母与学校应该教育孩子,引导甚至督


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