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Oxymoron: (矛盾修饰) oxymoron英音:[,?ksim?:r?n]美音:[,ɑks?m?rɑn] It is a compressed paradox, formed by the conjoining(结合) of two contrasting, contradictory or incongruous(不协调) terms as in bitter-sweet memories, orderly chaos(混乱) and proud humility(侮辱). Oxymoron Features: contradictory in meaning The complexity of things Example: A cheerful pessimist纵情享乐的厌世者 Painful pleasure 悲喜交集 A thunderous silence雷声般的沉默 Oxymoron(矛盾修饰法) 1 adj. + n. 1) proud humility 骄傲的谦卑 2) present participle → adj. speaking silence 千言万语的沉默 3) past participle → adj. long-lived death 永生的死亡 4) The mother is undergoing the joyful pain, and the painful joy of childbirth. 这位母亲正经受着分娩时那种欢乐的痛苦与痛苦的欢乐。 2 adj. + adj. sour-sweet days酸甜的日子 cold pleasant manner 冷淡热情的态度 bitter-sweet memories 苦甜参半的回忆 poor rich guys 贫穷的富人 bad good news 坏的好消息 my wonderful lousy poem 我绝妙的糟诗 a miserable, merry Christmas 又悲又喜的圣诞节 3 adv. + adj. falsely true words 虚伪诚实的话 a wisely stupid idea 自作聪明的傻主意 a mercifully fatal blow 仁慈的致命打击 He was conspicuously absent at the party. 他引人注目地未出席会议。 4 n. + n. a love-hate relationship 又爱又恨的关系 a life-and-death struggle 生死存亡的斗争 5 adv. + present participle changelessly changing 不变地变化 deliciously aching 令人愉快地疼痛 6 v. + adv. shine darkly 暗淡地发光 die merrily 快乐地死去 hasten slowly 慢慢地快起来 groan loudly 大声地呻吟 7 of-phrase the feather of lead 铅铸的羽毛 the sound of silence 沉默的声音 Note: The difference between paradox and oxymoron In paradox, it is sentence meaning that is contradictory(句子含义矛盾); In oxymoron, it is words meaning that is contradictory(词汇含义矛盾). The Function of Oxymoron 1.形成鲜明生动的对比,给人以深刻的印象。例如: He sat in the square and washed them.so changelessly changing, so bright and dark, so grave and gay. changelessly与change是意思相反的两个词,表面上看好像风马牛不相及,但经推敲后,我们不但不觉得矛盾,反而觉得入情入理。作者需要描写的正是这种“既始终如一,又变化多端”的景色。 2.加强语势。起强调作用。 构成矛盾关系的两个词一般属于修饰与被修饰的关系, 所以往往强调了被修饰词.例如: An atmosphere of dangerous calm could be felt throughout the mining region. 为了渲染气氛.加强语势,作者用dangerous来修饰calm, 给人以