静脉曲张食疗(Varicose diet).doc

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静脉曲张食疗(Varicose diet)

静脉曲张食疗(Varicose diet) Varices diet - kumquat root pot pork stomach: kumquat root 30 grams 100-150 grams, pork stomach (wash diced), add 4 bowls of pot 1 and half bowl, with a little salt seasoning, Yin Tang meat. Suitable for liver qi stagnation type varicocele. Varices diet - fennel cohosh sesame pot pig intestine: cohosh 10 grams, 60 grams of black sesame, fennel 10 grams, pig intestine period (ca. 30 cm, wash). The three medicine in pig intestine, two tied, cooked add appropriate amount of water, to fennel, Cimicifuga and sesame, flavored drink soup to eat pig intestine. Those who have constipation can even eat black sesame seeds. It is suitable for varicocele with Qi deficiency and blood stasis. Varices - Shenqi dual dietotherapy porridge: 20 grams Astragalus, Codonopsis 30 grams, 15 grams of litchi, mango kernel 15 grams, 50 grams of rice porridge to eat. It is suitable for varicocele with Qi deficiency and blood stasis. Varices diet orange black bean sugar orange: motherwort nuclear nuclear 15 grams, 30 grams of motherwort, black beans 60 grams, add 3 bowls of fried to l bowl, add brown sugar amount of seasoning food. Suitable for Yuzu vein type varicocele. Varicose dietotherapy Astragalus cumin peach pot cuttlefish: Astragalus 20 grams, 10 grams of walnuts, fennel 6 grams, cuttlefish 1 (about 250 grams, wash cuts, even bone soup seasoning), water, drink the soup and eat cuttlefish. Suitable for Yuzu vein type varicocele. Normal diet can be, patients with lower extremity varicose veins daily attention to 12 matters 1., avoid standing or sitting for a long time, should often make the foot do raise, put down the movement, or if possible, small walk. 2., should develop a daily stretch socks, exercise leg for one hour habits, such as walking, walking, cycling, running or treadmill. 3., should develop a few times a day lie down, raising the legs higher than the heart position, so can promote the circulation of the legs vein. 4. maintain normal weight, not overweigh


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