护士6(Nurse 6).doc

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护士6(Nurse 6)

护士6(Nurse 6) A nurses qualification certificate must be carried back $2 13:02 on Saturday 1, the highest incidence of bone and joint tuberculosis in the whole body is spinal tuberculosis. - 2 、 the most important method for diagnosing infective endocarditis is blood culture. - 3 、 the most effective way to rescue cardiac arrest caused by ventricular fibrillation is asynchronous electrical cardioversion. - 4. The most significant way to detect the early rectal Ca is (rectal speculum). - 5. The most common degeneration of fibroids is (hyaline) 6, the most basic manifestation of nephrotic syndrome is (urinary protein is greater than 3.5g/24h). - 7 、 the most reliable method for the diagnosis of tumor is pathological examination. - 8, Faro Fallot is the earliest and the main manifestation is (Qing Zi). - 9. The most significant blood test for the diagnosis of primary chronic adrenocortical hypofunction is cortisol decrease. 10, after resuscitation treatment, to ensure that all recovery measures work, the most important thing is (brain resuscitation). - 1 、 the most common pathogenic bacteria causing periodontal abscess is hemolytic streptococcus. - 2, the highest point of CO2 partial pressure in vivo is (tissue fluid). - 3, for the translocation syndrome is the most common karyotype 46, XY, -14, T (14q21q). - 4. The most common electrocardiographic manifestation of digitalis intoxication is ventricular premature contraction. - 5, the most valuable way to identify edematous and hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis is (Cullen sign). - 6, prevention of postoperative atelectasis, the most important measures are (turn over more, do more deep breathing, encourage coughing). - 7. The most common complication of ovarian cancer is pedicle torsion. - 8, the most important cause of anemia caused by acute leukemia is that erythroid proliferation is disturbed by leukemic cells. - 9 、 the most important treatment for early AMI is myocardial perfusion. - 10. The earliest clinical symptom


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