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四年级英语下册重点单词和句子复习(外研社) 外研社英语小学四年级下册复习提纲 dule 1 Friends 朋友 短语;1、a bit 句型:1、This is s Sart 这是斯马特女士。 She is a nie teaher她是一位好老师。 2、This is big brther Hes l dule 2 Lndn伦敦 短语:a b abut Lndn the apital f… be fr自 Buingha Palae白金汉宫 River Thaes泰晤士河 Big Ben大本钟 Hde Par海德公园 Ter Bridge伦敦塔桥 an bats许多船 n the river 在河上 句型:1、I fr Lndn 2、Lndn is the apital f England Its ver big and ver beautiful 3、This is the River Thaes。 Its lng and ide dule 3 Pini野餐 短语n Saturda have a pini举行一次野餐 tae ur ite g t the par d her visit granda help ther read bs 句型:1、ere ging t have a pini 2、ill u tae ur ite? es,I ill/N, I nt 3、n nda Ill g siing 4、ill u pla ftball n nda? es, I ill/N, I nt dule 4 Rbts机器人 短语:help hildren learn ae aes 句型:1、ne da, rbts ill d everthing 2、ill it be ind in Beiing? es, it ill / N, it n’t dule Size尺寸 短语:unt Qlanga珠穆朗玛峰 the Great all长城 the Suer Palae颐和园 句型:1、Sa is shrter than Lingling 2、The hangiang River is lnger than the ell River长江比黄河长。 dule 6 usi 音乐 短语:the first girl be quiet hinese usi pla the erhu pla the zither pla the guitar pp usi pla the drus 句型1、I thin this girl is better than the first girl 2、hat usi d u lie?你喜欢什么音乐? I lie pp usi我喜欢流行音乐。 dule 7 untries国家 短语: pret spea English in the east/est/nrth/suth 1、San Franis is in the est旧金在西部。 2、Beiing is the apital f hina北京是中国的首都。 dule 8 hanges变化 短语the little girl s shrt grandparents 句型: 1、The ere ung then 他们那时很年轻。 The are ld n 现在他们老了。 2、I as fur then N I a thirt 3、The erent ld then他们那时不老, The ere ung他们很年轻 eren’t →ere nt asn’t → as nt dule 9 eeend周末 短语;phne granda eat al in the par pla n the puter a nie da help ur u 句型1、 I helped u我给妈妈帮忙。 2、 Did u eat esterda? es, I did / N, I didnt 3、Did Dad lunh? es, he did / N, he didnt dule 10 Aidents事故 短语:g fr a bie ride hungr and thirst bu a atereln fall ff the bie bup head have gt a ld/stahahe/headahe/fever 句型:1、Sa and I ent fr a bie ride esterda And then …?然后……? 2、Sa had lts f hlate bisuits esterda 3、S tda hes gt a stahahe 形容词比较级变化规律: 1、形容词后直接加er 2、e结尾直接加r 3、辅音加结尾,→ier


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