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第 33 卷第 6 期 电 子 与 信 息 学 报 Vol.33No.6 2011 年 6 月 Journal of Electronics Information Technology Jun. 2011 兼容多标准的高效运动补偿新结构 喻庆东* 周 莉 陈 杰 (中国科学院微电子研究所 北京 100029) 摘 要:为有效解决运动补偿的多标准兼容问题,该文提出了一种改进的适用于多标准运动补偿的新插值算法结构, 新插值算法基于文中提出的 RL(Rounding Last)策略和 DTS(Diagonal Two Step)策略,其采用一种统一的两步插 值结构有效地兼容了各标准中亮度分量和色度分量的插值。基于新算法,设计实现了一种可重构的多标准运动补偿 硬件电路,该电路采用了基于可变块大小的运动补偿结构。实现结果表明,与 JM8.4 中基于4×4 固定块大小的运 动补偿结构相比,所设计的电路使得带宽需求降低了 27%~50%,平均单次访问外部存储器的突发长度提高了 1.22~2.25 倍;电路在 125 MHz 工作频率下可满足全高清 1080 p (1920×1080) 30 帧/s 的实时解码需求。 关键词:多标准视频解码器;运动补偿;插值结构;可重构 中图分类号:TN919.8; TN47 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1009-5896(2011)06-1332-07 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2010.01134 Hardware-efficient Motion Compensation Architecture for Multi-standard Video Decoder Yu Qing-dong Zhou Li Chen Jie (Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China) Abstract: To solve the problem of Motion Compensation (MC) for multiple standards efficiently, a modified hardware-efficient computing architecture of MC interpolation for multiple standards is developed with the proposed Rounding Last (RL) and Diagonal Two Step (DTS) strategies. A re-configurable MC interpolation hardware based on the new computing architecture is implemented efficiently based on the variable block size. Compared with the fixed-size 4×4 block-based MC in JM8.4, the bandwidth reduction is about 27%~50%, and the average burst length of each access to the external memory is improved to 1.22~2.25 times longer. When work at 125 MHz, the MC hardware is capable to accomplish the real-time decoding of video streams of the supported stan


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