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2005 9 16 9 CH NESE J OU RNA L OF APPL ED ECOL OGY , Sep. 2005, 16( 9)∃1628~ 1632 * * * 熊 伟 王彦辉 于澎涛 时忠杰 沈振西 郭明春 ( , 100091) 2004 8~ 9 , , , . , ! ∀ , 005 l#cm- 2#min- 1; ! ∀ , , 025 l#cm- 2#min- 1; , 53 1 248 L#d- 1, 235 375 . , 0331 032 1 g#g - 1#h- 1 . 145 mm#d- 1 , 072 mm#d- 1 0 19 mm#d- 1 054 mm#d- 1, 496% 133% 371% . , , . ( ) 096030 019 mm#d- 1, 658% 209% 133% , , , . 100 1- 9332( 2005) 09- 1628- 05 S7 154 A Evapotranspiration of natural Quer cus liaot ungensis and Tilia pa ucicostata secondary stands in Liupan Moun tains of Ningxia. X ON G Wei, WAN G Yanhui, YU Pengtao , Shi Zhongjie, Shen Zhenx i, Guo M ingchun ( I nsti tute of Forest Ecology, Env ironment and Protection, Chinese A cademy of Forestry, Beij ing 10009 1, China) . Chin. J. A l . Ecol . , 2005, 16( 9) : 1628~ 1632. With heat dissipation probe technique and combined with microlysimeter and hydr ological methods, this paper studied the evapotranspiration of seco ndar y Quercus liaotungensis and Tilia aucicostata stands, and its relation ship to forest structure fro m August to September 2004 . T he r esults indicated that the stem sap flux density ( SF D) of Quercus liaotungensis and Tilia aucicostata chang ed r egularly from day to nig ht in later grow th sea son. n relatively st ill per iod ( nighttime) , the SFD kept low v alues cont inuously , usually below 0 . 05 l#cm- 2# min- 1, w hile in active per iod ( daytime) , it increased quickly , usually below 0 . 25 l#cm- 2 #min- 1 . T he daily transpir atio n of wholet


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