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摘 要 20世纪 60年代以来 世界各国掀起了以终身教育理论为指导的教育改革运 动 构建终身教育体系 建设学习型社会 推动职业教育终身化已成为各国政府 的奋斗目标 美国便是其中的典型代表之一 本文以20世纪下半叶美国职业教育终身化为研究对象 试图从教育与政治 经济 科技等社会诸因素相互作用的角度 评述美国职业教育终身化发展的历史 背景 揭示美国职业教育终身化发展的理论基础 社会原因及时代需求 从历史 纵深的角度阐述美国职业教育终身化发展的实践进程 着重研究美国为推动职业 教育终身化所采取的诸如立法等重大措施 在此基础上 分析 总结美国职业教 育终身化的经验教训 探索其基本规律与发展趋势 从事上述工作的目的 是为 了对推动我国职业教育终身化 完善终身教育体系 建设学习型社会 实现全面 建设小康社会的教育奋斗目标提供一些有益的启示 关键词 教育终身化研究;职业教育;美国 Abstract From 1960s, under the guidance of lifelong education theory, an education reformation movement has been carried out in every country throughout the world. Creating lifelong education system, constructing study-oriented society and pushing forward vocational education toward a lifelong scale has become the object of the government of every country, among which the United States is one of the typical representatives. The research objective of the paper is the vocational education toward a lifelong scale in the United States during the latter half of the twentieth century. From the angle of the interaction between education and other social factors such as: politics, economics, science and technology, etc., the author of the paper describes and evaluates the historical backgrounds of the development of vocational education toward a lifelong scale in the United States to reveal its theoretical foundation, social reasons and the requirement of era. From the profound historical angle, the author of the paper also explains the practical progress of the development of vocational education toward a lifelong scale in the United States. The emphasis of the thesis will be on the research of those important methods such



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