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二 〇 一六 年 四 月 摘 要 随着社会与技术的日益进步,我们日常生活个人生活,大到国家大事。超市都是通过之类的纸质媒介来管理,这样既不安全、不,再加上超市的往来业务不断增加,人工处理早已跟需求,这就需要一个好的平台来对超市的信息进行管理。本系统超市管理系统于超市货物进销存,结合当下主流的JSPMySQL数据库相结合的方式,为超市量身定制本系统,操作简单,易维护 本系统主要划分为两层角色管理员和普通员工,管理员具有本系统的所有权限,普通员工则具有部分权限 关键词:货物管理;JSP;MySQL;Java Abstract With the development of society and technology, we have entered into a highly information-based era, daily life cannot do without computer already. To personal life, to state affairs, more and more information has not been recorded, been managed by human. In the past, the supermarket was managed by the paper medium like ledgers, it is neither safe, and inconvenient, coupled with the increasing in the supermarket business, it is more and more important to use a good platform/system to manage the information of supermarket. The platform/system –the supermarket goods management system is suitable for supermarket goods inventory management, it use combination of the current mainstream JSP and MySQL database to combine the way, and it is specially tailored for the supermarket. This system has a simple interface, simple operation, and it is easy to maintain, too. This platform/system is mainly divided into two roles: the administrator and the general employee, the administrator has all the authority of the system, while the general employee only have part of the authority. Key words:Goods Management ; JSP ; MySQL ; Java 目 录 1 引言 - 8 - 1.1开发背景 - 8 - 1.2开发目的 - 9 - 2相关技术及开发工具 - 10 - 2.1 相关技术 - 10 - 2.1.1 JSP - 10 - 2.1.2 MySQL - 10 - 2.1.3 Java - 11 - 2.1.4 SSH(Spring+Struts+Hibernate) - 11 - 2.1.5 MVC框架 - 11 - 2.2 开发工具 - 11 - 2.2.1 Navicat for MySQL - 11 - 2.2.2 MyEclipse - 11 - 2.2.3 Tomcat服务器 - 12 - 2.2.4 Sublime Text - 12 - 3开发环境及理论运行环境 - 13 - 3.1 开发环境 - 13 - 3.2 理论运行环境 - 13 - 3.2.1软件配置 - 13 - 3.2.2硬件配置 - 13 - 4系统分析 - 14 - 4.1可行性分析 - 14 - 4.1.1技术可行性 - 14 - 4.1.2管理可行性 - 14 - 4.2系统目标 - 14 - 4.3需求分析 - 15 - 4.3.1系统流程分析 - 15 - 4.3.2系统主要功能点 - 16 - 4.3.3 业务流程分析 - 16 - 5数据库设计 - 18 - 5.1数据库中表的设计 - 18 - 5.2数据


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