用车成本(Vehicle cost).doc

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用车成本(Vehicle cost)

用车成本(Vehicle cost) 2010-05-27 09:09:25, LZ! After looking at the cost of keeping a car and the car Car Buying main cost. 2010, 05, 24, 09:14 Source: First Financial Daily I want to comment Fuzhou, Fuzhou, Longyan, Nanping, Ningde, Putian, Quanzhou, Sanming, Xiamen, Zhangzhou Buying a car is not a luxury dream for some families. But for the car, enough to make a lot of families of this dream deterred forgotten. The reason why so many people keen to invest in the property market, because the house can be added value. But the car is depreciating day by day, plus the rise in gasoline prices, the increase in parking fees, and the increase in maintenance costs...... Keeping a car does require a lot of spending all year round. So, how much does it cost to keep a car? How should families choose their cars according to their own economic conditions? Fixed car expenses When you buy a car, you can drive the car more than just paying the price of the car. In short, the cost of buying a car can be divided into fixed expenditure and flexible expenditure. Fixed expenses include motor purchase tax, license fees, vehicle and vessel tax, strong insurance, annual inspection and other fees. Flexible payments include gas, parking, regular insurance, maintenance, and ticket violations. Automobile purchase tax is levied according to a certain proportion of car purchase price. In accordance with different emission standards, there are different standards, emissions of 1.6L and below is 7.5%, the other is 10%. The fees for licences are different from region to region, and Shanghai has limited the number of private cars with high licence fees to relieve traffic pressure. If the car goes to Shanghai, the local license fee is as high as 30 thousand to 40 thousand, while other cities are from several hundred to several thousand. Miscellaneous fees include triangle cards, fire extinguishers, pallet fees, moving cards, etc., and generally this part of the expenditure amounts to a few hundred doll


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