电脑基础知识(Basic computer knowledge).doc

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电脑基础知识(Basic computer knowledge)

电脑基础知识(Basic computer knowledge) Dont know why the authors use the name as the title, I understand Wuthering in the book refers to the villa outside of a dangerous situation with the snow was so wanton and rampant, people can predict and prevent, and villa have happened as the weather outside, there is no man to be able to anticipate and prevent, everything happened so naturally, let people feel that their story is so ordinary but again so poor and sad people have sympathy with the evil of their psychological, I think this is a book which would have, there are good people will be wicked, there is no evil then what is good, only reflect the evil of the evil in the wicked place to. Isnt this book who is really evil, perhaps in the book Hiker Li is the most let a person feel angry and hateful, his actions make people hated him and other people, also let people feel miserable and sad, think they have no autonomy, not with fate resist, just down all the natural development, the book did not make people nervous excitement or a place to make people feel tired where everything is so quiet. Although the story is mostly indifferent among the, but we still can see from this life of human eternal love and hope around the people around, so that people no matter what the situation is and can not forget the love real and important. As Hiker Li can be said to be the hero of the book, is about how he had been old Earnshaw home after the family is how to deal with him, and the old Earnshaw died how others treat him, but after he lost his first love life was also Hundle out of the house many years later, he came back step by step on them in retaliation. It seems that he is the most hateful without humanity in others, to his son that his love for the mans daughter is so, he is a devil is a inhumanity of things, in fact I think he is poor sad I have great sympathy for him, in the whole the story of his sufferings is the most, is the most able to live with the feelings of the most delica



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