痛经吃什么好(What does dysmenorrhoea eat).doc

痛经吃什么好(What does dysmenorrhoea eat).doc

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痛经吃什么好(What does dysmenorrhoea eat)

痛经吃什么好(What does dysmenorrhoea eat) What does dysmenorrhoea eat? Dysmenorrhea diet prescription Black beans: black beans (black egg soup) 60 grams, egg 2, Yellow Wine or 100 milliliters of wine. Boil the beans and eggs with water. It has the functions of regulating middle and lower Qi and relieving pain. It is suitable for dysmenorrhea due to weakness of Qi and blood in women. Hawthorn Guizhi brown sugar soup: Hawthorn meat 15 grams, cinnamon 5 grams, brown sugar 30~50 grams. The Hawthorn meat, cassia twig into the tile pot, add 2 bowls of water, fried with slow fire, left 1 bowls, add brown sugar, mix thoroughly, boil. With temperature by Tongmai Huayu, analgesic effect. It is suitable for women who have cold dysmenorrhea and who have no facial complexion. Jujube ginger brown sugar water: ginger, jujube, brown sugar 30 grams. The former two kinds of cleaning, ginger slices, fried jujube to go nuclear, add brown sugar. Drink soup and eat jujube. It has the effect of warming the meridians and dispelling cold. Apply to cold dysmenorrhea and chloasma. Ginger dates pepper soup: ginger 25 grams, 30 grams of jujube, pepper 100 grams. Peel the ginger, wash and slice it, wash the jujube, remove the kernel, and put it into the tile pot with pepper. Add 1 bowls and a half of water, fry the remaining half of the bowl with the slow fire, and leave the dregs and leave the soup. Take a daily dose. With the temperature in relieving pain. Apply to cold dysmenorrhea, and have smooth skin effect. Leek juice brown sugar drink: fresh chives 300 grams, 100 grams of brown sugar. Fresh leek wash, drain water, chopped smashed juice stand. Brown sugar pot, add water to a boil, until the sugar dissolved into the leek juice to drink against. It has the function of warming the meridian and invigorating qi. Apply to two empty Qi dysmenorrhea, and can make the skin rosy and smooth. Hawthorn wine: Hawthorn dry 300 grams, low alcohol 500 ml. Hawthorn dry cleaning, go nuclear, chopped, loaded with



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