碱式碳酸铜的制备(The preparation of copper carbonate).doc

碱式碳酸铜的制备(The preparation of copper carbonate).doc

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碱式碳酸铜的制备(The preparation of copper carbonate)

碱式碳酸铜的制备(The preparation of copper carbonate) (1) the reaction was prepared by Na2CO3 10H2O with CuSO4 5H2O reaction According to the chemical equation of the reaction between CuSO4 and Na2CO3 2CuSO4+2Na2CO3+H2O==Cu2 (OH) 2CO3: +2Na2SO4+CO2 = calculated that take 14gCuSO4 - 5H2O, 16gNa2CO3 - 10H2O, respectively, with a mortar grinding after mixing and grinding, the reaction occurred, magnetic bubble sound, and a mixture of moisture absorption is very powerful, soon became a adhesive. The mixture is quickly put into 200mL boiling water, stir rapidly and evacuated heat source, a blue green precipitate. Filtered, washed with water until the filtrate precipitation does not contain SO42-, remove the precipitation, air dry, get blue green crystal. The prepared crystal, it is the main component of Cu2 (OH) 2CO3, because of the reaction products and temperature, the pH of the solution, and so on, and thus may have the blue 2CuCO3, Cu (OH) 2, 2CuCO3, 3Cu (OH) 2 and 2CuCO3, 5Cu (OH) 2 and so on, so that the crystal with blue If the two reactants are separately refined and mixed (without grinding), green crystals can also be obtained by the same method of operation (2) the reaction was prepared by the reaction of Na2CO3 solution with CuSO4 solution Are 12.5gCuSO4 - 5H2O, 14.3gNa2CO3 - 10H2O, the prepared 200mL solution (solution concentration is 0.25mol / L-1). At room temperature, the Na2CO3 solution is dripped into the CuSO4 solution, and mixing with red litmus test solution to blue, blue precipitate. Filtration, washed with water until the filtrate precipitation. Without SO42-, remove the precipitation, air dried, blue crystal. The main compositions of the crystal is 5CuO 2CO2. if the saturated solution precipitation and Na2CO3 contact for several days, precipitation will be transformed into Cu (OH) 2. If the first heating to boiling Na2CO3 solution, adding CuSO4 solution will immediately produce a black precipitate. If heated to boiling CuSO4 solution when adding Na2CO3 so



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