支架冲压模具设计(Design of stamping die for bracket).doc

支架冲压模具设计(Design of stamping die for bracket).doc

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支架冲压模具设计(Design of stamping die for bracket)

支架冲压模具设计(Design of stamping die for bracket) 1页 维普资讯 支架冲压模具设计 广东省技师学院(惠州516100)姚德强 我单位承接了某工厂一小型冲压弯曲件如图1所改进后的设计制造方案1。 示,该零件材料为1Cr18Ni9Ti不锈钢,中间形孑L与两条 鉴于上述情况,根据材料最小冲孔值及冲裁件最小 0.8mm宽的槽的作用是调节螺钉旋人M2螺孑L后不会产 孑L边距的验算,决定把原来的8道工序改为3道成形工 生松动。尺寸2.4mm的U形弯角要求小于90,M2螺。 序:①采用落料冲孑复合模②采用弯曲压筋冲槽复合L。 孑L中线至弯曲边缘距离为1O。3:20。毫米。如果采用单工模③采用U形件横向弯曲模。 序模生产,其工艺程序是:落料一冲孑L一冲槽一整平一 2。落料冲孔复合模 压弯一压筋一弯直角一弯U形共道工序该工艺不但8。 该模为倒装式复合模(见图上模采用推杆卸2)。 工效低,而且难以保证质量,尤其是冲槽模具在冲不锈 料,冲孑L废料由凸凹模具于下模板孔内漏下,工作原理 钢时凸模易折断。可用08f材料表面镀铬来代替,但该 与普通模具相同。在设计中因考虑凸模16、19的强度 材料无弹性,调节螺钉旋M2螺孑L后易松动。 及稳定性,在结构上采取3点措施:①提高顶件器14 与凹模15、凸模16的配合精度,选择H7/F6小间隙配 合,使顶件器不但起顶件作用还起凸模护套和导向作 用。②为达到加工精度,顶件器14台阶采用镶拼铆合 结构,可用线切割加工③凸模16采用高速钢方形刀。 片直接线切割加工而成,其固定方法如图3所示。 3。弯曲压筋冲槽复合模 (1)模具结构及工作过程该复合模(见图4)上 图1零件图模不同于一般的四柱弹压卸料形式,设计了以圆柱体导 通过分析,应从以下几个方面考虑:①应减少工序向的弹压卸料结构。导套卸料板15与弹簧垫14用圆柱 数,尽量减少各工序问的积累误差。②冲槽模具要着重销13联接,在上模垫板12上加工圆长孔,凸模固定板 考虑凸模的强度和稳定性。 Bend forming shall be changed into 16 screws at one time and connected with upper die backing plate. The die fixing plate 3 is higher than the die 2, Shape to ensure dimensional accuracy of parts. The utility model can not only fix the lower die, but also act as the positioning function of the workpiece. On work, down die, Die machined by wire cutting forming, with straight through, because the structure of small size punch through the ejector rod 20, 21 of the first turn alone L and parts of good bending die out Or irregularly shaped, fixed on the punch fixed plate 4 by riveting. Thus, when the strip is fed, the L1 is not enough because of the floating guide pin The guide bar 17 is used for side positioning and manual feeding is adopted, and the sticking due to floating guidance is possible. Punch fixing plate 4, stripper plate 7, die 15, etc. The material pin 11 is used for lifting and floating feeding. The initial positioning of the die is done by wire cutting of the main parts of the operator. Positioning by eye, after the material is sent in, the station is determined by the cylinder pin 4., and the 12 conclusion A. All


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