有关焊条专业英语(Professional English for welding electrodes).doc

有关焊条专业英语(Professional English for welding electrodes).doc

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有关焊条专业英语(Professional English for welding electrodes)

有关焊条专业英语(Professional English for welding electrodes) Professional English and the multi electrode. To the point of view ```3Q: 1303 times reward points: 10 time: 2008-7-15 10:12 | | questionger: boyzhang1988 Please help me with the questions: Welding heat cycle weld thermal cycle Welding temperature field field, of, weld, temperature; weld, temperature, field Quasi steady temperature field quasi-stationary, temperature, field Welding heat source welding, heat, source Point heat source point, heat, source Line heat source linear, heat, source Surface heat source plane, heat, source Instantaneous central heat source instantaneous, concentration, heat, source The thermal efficiency is thermal efficiency Concentration coefficient of heat energy coefficient, of, heat, flow, concentration The peak temperature is peak temperature Instantaneous cooling rate momentary cooling rate The cooling time is cooling time Replacement oxidation of substitutionary oxydation Diffusion oxidation of diffusible oxydation Deoxy desoxydation Pre deoxy precedent desoxydation Diffusion deoxidation diffusible desoxydation Precipitation, deoxygenation, precipitation, desoxydation Diffusible hydrogen, diffusible, hydrogen Initial diffusion hydrogen, initial, diffusible, hydrogen Residual diffusion hydrogen at 100 diffusible, hydrogen, remained, at, 100 DEG C Residual hydrogen residual, hydrogen Dehydrogenation of hydrogen to dehydrogenation Hydrogen treatment heat, treatment, for, dehydrogenation Desulfurization desulphurization Dephosphorization dephosphorization Alloy alloying Micro alloying microalloying Primary crystallization structure primary, solidification, structure The two crystalline structure is secondary, solidification, structure Crystallization of epitaxial solidification The crystalline morphology of welding seam is solidification, mode, in, Weld-bead Crystalline layered line ripple Multilateral boundaries polygonization, boundary The mean linear velocity of crystallization is me


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