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亚马逊网管理模式剖析研究 作者:—— 中文摘要:不管是发达国家,还是发展中国家,全球的每一个角落都被转入了网络的浪潮,不知不觉中网络已经走入了人们的工作,学习和生活当中,从政府到学校,从企业到消费者,似乎都在感触或经历着她们的冲击与到来。互联网用户的增多,也带来了商业应用的日渐兴隆,各种商业,金融机构,产业部门纷纷入网,在网上进行数据,信息采集,开办电子虚拟市场,广论建立联系,提高商业宣传和产品维护水平等等。网络管理这种全新的管理方式就在时代的急唤中出现了。 在网络环境下,亚马逊网的管理模式将发生根本性的变革。首先,亚马逊网的形式将发生改变,将从传统的实时亚马逊网向虚拟亚马逊网转变。所谓虚拟亚马逊网,是指有多个项目小组,各自专门负责整个项目的一个子任务块,在自己的优势领域独立运作,并通过彼此间的协调与合作,达到整个项目的实现。其次,亚马逊网管理模式的组织结构也将发生重大变革,柔性组织是指为了适应快速的技术变革,全球化竞争,迎接知识经济的挑战而设计的新颖,创新和变革的柔性而敏捷的组织形式。 关键词:亚马逊 网络 管理模式 Abstract:Both the developed and developing countries, every corner of the world have been diverted to the wave of the network, the network has imperceptibly into peoples work, study and life, from government to schools, from enterprises to consumers, seems to be feeling or experiencing with the arrival of their impact. The number of Internet users, it also brings the increasingly booming business applications, a variety of business, financial institutions, industrial departments have access, the Internet data, information collection, electronic virtual market, Kwong On networking, advocacy and products improve business maintaining level, and so on. This new network management approach to the management of the urgency of the times in a call. In the network environment, the Amazon network management model will undergo fundamental changes. First, Amazon will be in the form of network change, from the traditional network to the real-time virtual Amazon Amazon net change. Amazons so-called virtual network refers to a number of project teams, each responsible for the entire project of a task block, in their own areas of the advantages of independent operation, and through mutual coordination and cooperation, the realization of the entire project. Secondly, the Amazon network management model organizational structure will also undergo major changes, the organization is flexible to adapt to rapid technological change, global competition and meet the challenges of the knowledge economy and the inn


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