论文检测当代经典问题与多元视角(This paper examines contemporary classical issues and multiple perspectives).doc

论文检测当代经典问题与多元视角(This paper examines contemporary classical issues and multiple perspectives).doc

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论文检测当代经典问题与多元视角(This paper examines contemporary classical issues and multiple perspectives)

论文检测当代经典问题与多元视角(This paper examines contemporary classical issues and multiple perspectives) Classical works and elegance have been defined as the basic extension of literature, precisely because they embody the connotation of literature, that is, literariness. But in contemporary times, this view of literature has become more and more challenging, especially literary classics have been questioned. In the western feminism, it seems that the classical works in the university class are mostly some dead, European, white and male works. Literary classics are only the construction of the discourse of power. In universities and high schools in China, the same is true, but it seems a little more complicated. Therefore, all literary classics must undergo the criticism and self-criticism of cultural studies. Cultural studies are of positive significance to the discussion of literary classics. Cultural research has been playing a certain liberating function in the west. In the past few decades, western conservatism has always been the dominant position in Britain, America and Europe, and the conservatism trend is relatively high in civil society. The main interest of conservatism is not confined to the political sphere that has been consolidated, but to the religious, academic, family, rural, friends, pleasures and obligations, 1. In Europe and America, the trend of right turn generally appears in the ideological and cultural circles based on liberalism. As a part of the radical political movements, cultural studies and tries to break classical conservatism in, break through the campus, academic and cultural conservatism thought monopoly. On the whole, we tend to agree with the radical political movement, but it must be admitted that this cultural and political movement has never been the mainstream in the European community. Despite the extensive political strategy they have achieved certain results in the local, such as body politics and power discourse and other slogans sh



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