调节电脑最佳性能说明(Tune the computers best performance instructions).doc

调节电脑最佳性能说明(Tune the computers best performance instructions).doc

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调节电脑最佳性能说明(Tune the computers best performance instructions)

调节电脑最佳性能说明(Tune the computers best performance instructions) You can optimize processing (WinXP) according to the following methods to speed up the system running: 1, use anti-virus software to kill viruses, to ensure that the system does not have viruses. 2, run disk defragmentation, defragment the disk, and eliminate disk fragmentation. 3. Clear startup items: start, run, msconfig, start, and turn off unnecessary startup items. 4, to speed up the startup and shutdown speed: start registry editor, find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\, will change the value of numerical data of [HungAppTimeout] string [200], string will change the value of numerical data of [WaitToKillAppTimeout] as [1000]. In HKEY_LOCAL_ACHINE\\System\\ CurrentControlSet\\Control, the string value changes numerical data of [HungAppTimeout] as [200], the string value of numerical data change [1000] [WaitToKillServiceTimeout]. 5, automatic closing stop response procedure: start the registry editor and find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\Desktop, the string value of numerical data of [AutoEndTasks] to [1], restart shutdown; automatically close the stop response program: find the HKEY_USERS\\.DEFAULT\\Control Panel\\Desktop (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control or Panel\\Desktop), on the right window will be numerical data of [AutoEndTasks] to [1], cancellation or re start. 6, do not use clear memory DLL file: start the registry editor and find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\ CurrentVersion\\ Explorer, a new DWORD value [AlwaysUnloadDLL] and its value to [1]. Note: if the value is set to [0], this function is disabled. 7, speed up broadband access: (1) Home Edition: start registry editor, find a new HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\ Windows, named [Psched], [Psched] in the right window new Dword value [NonBestEffortLimit] and its value to [0]. (2) the commercial version: [start], [run], type [gpedit.msc], the local computer policy is open, select [], [c


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