透视领导干部三小现象(The perspective of leading cadres three small phenomenon).docVIP

透视领导干部三小现象(The perspective of leading cadres three small phenomenon).doc

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透视领导干部三小现象(The perspective of leading cadres three small phenomenon)

透视领导干部三小现象(The perspective of leading cadres three small phenomenon) Everyone has such shortcomings and shortcomings, and the leading cadres are no exception. However, leading cadres are not ordinary people, and their weaknesses and shortcomings are too many, which will directly lead to incompetence. In all the weaknesses and shortcomings, the most terrible is not bad temper, lack of experience, lack of knowledge, but the pattern is small. Patterns describe peoples measurement and mind. Open wide, will be able to tolerate, tolerance, solidarity and cooperation; see far, eyes wide, wide field of vision, can have ambition, strategist; ideals and beliefs, can never yield in spite of reverses. This is a big pattern. On the contrary, pattern of small, will not mind the overall situation, do not air, self-centered; will not open eyes, regardless of the overall and long-term interests as the center; to be self defined, small circle, with little brother, small develop bad hobby, not to pursue a career. ??? from the above investigation leading cadres three small phenomenon can be seen, the small circle, little brother, little hobby in different people of different performance, but a common reason is the pattern of small. She only Gu operation climb, which have time to go to work without the pursuit of enthusiasm; with no ambition at all, he Laimou for development; just show how will engage in image project, the real practice of Scientific Outlook on Development; his head was full of self or a small family, how can the masses heart; eyes only little brother, it not all corners of the country; autocratic, hold different opinions, talented people who will follow him sincerely, team cohesion and combat effectiveness and from any talk about ideas; pale and knowledge shallow, their words and deeds are doomed to mediocrity...... What? This is the problem caused by the small pattern. Small pattern is the internal cause of forming small circle, little brother and little hobby, and sm


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