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Practical Training Ⅱ Sightseeing 学会用英语与客人有效沟通,并对客人用英 语进行景点介绍 熟练掌握与本话题相关的专业英语词汇及常用句型表达 练习用英语作景点介绍 学会用英文描述景点的规范写作 学会英语中的送别礼仪 Part One Background Material Part One Background Material Part Two Situational Dialogue Part Two Situational Dialogue Part Two Situational Dialogue Part Two Situational Dialogue Part Two situational Dialogue Part Two situational Dialogue Notes Part Two Situational Dialogue Part Two Situational Dialogue Part Two Situational Dialogue Notes Part Two Situational Dialogue Part Two Situational Dialogue Part Two Situational Dialogue Part Two Situational Dialogue Part Three Writing-skill Part Three Writing-skill Part Three Writing-skill Notes Part Three Writing-skill Part Four Exercises Part Four Exercises Part Four Exercises Part Four Exercises Part Four Exercises Part Four Exercises Part Four Exercises Part Four Exercises Part Four Exercises Part Five Social Etiquette Part Five Social Etiquette Notes 1. The worldwide lovers send gifts on Valentine’s Day. Five bay leaves, two to the center and the rest to the corners of a pillow, are used on this day. The man who picked the jar with a woman’s name in it would take the woman as his valentine. 4. Children send cards to others to celebrate Valentine’s Day in American countries. 5. Different countries and areas have different customs on this day. T ( ) F ( ) F ( ) F ( ) T ( ) Role Play. Now that you and your tour group have come to Tian’an Men Square. As a tour guide, you are introducing the scenic spots to your tourists. Translation. (1) 这里充满了奇异的景观,是真的吗? (2) 一会儿我们就会看到长城了。 (3) 你能告诉我这儿有什么可看的吗? (4) 在洛杉矶,阳光明媚,微风宜人。非常美。 Is it true that it’s full of wonders here? ______________________________________________________ We are approaching the Great Wall in a short while. ______________________________________________________ Could you tell me what to see here? ______________________________________________________ In Los Angeles, there


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