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分子植物育种,2010 年,第8 卷,第4 期,第629-640 页 Molecular Plant Breeding, 2010, Vol.8, No.4, 629-640 特邀评述 Invited Review 水稻耐盐性的遗传和分子育种的研究进展 胡时开 陶红剑 钱前 郭龙彪* 中国水稻研究所, 水稻生物学国家重点实验室, 杭州, 310006 * 通讯作者, guolongb@ 摘 要 盐胁迫是造成水稻减产的重要环境因素之一。本文从维护膜系统的完整性、离子的区隔化以及渗 透调节等三个方面介绍了水稻耐盐性的机理;简要描述了水稻生物耐盐能力、农艺耐盐能力和离体细胞对盐 害反应等三种耐盐鉴定方法。总结了近年来对水稻耐盐种质资源的发掘、耐盐性QTL 定位和重要基因的克 隆以及耐盐水稻选育所取得的进展。通过长期水稻耐盐性评价、已发掘了一些耐盐的水稻种质;定位了七十 + + 多个控制Na /K 含量、存活天数等耐盐性相关性状的QTL;两个水稻耐盐基因SKC1 和DST 已被克隆;我们 已获得系列不同程度耐盐的转基因植株和 / 两类耐盐基因聚合系。本文进一步讨论了水稻耐盐 SKC1 BADH 性机制的研究以及在生产实践中应用的前景,试图为深入开展水稻耐盐性研究提供参考。 关键词 水稻, 耐盐性, 种质, QTL, 克隆, 分子育种 Progresses on Genetics and Molecular Breeding for Salt-tolerance in Rice Hu Shikai Tao Hongjian Qian Qian Guo Longbiao * State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology, China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou, 310006 * Corresponding author, guolongb@ DOI: 10.3969/mpb.008.000629 Abstract Salt stress is one of the main environmental constraints for the losses of rice yield. In this paper, we in- troduced the mechanisms of rice salt-tolerance by the following three aspects: the integrity of membrane systems, ionic compartmentation, and osmotic adjustment. We also briefly presented the three methods for identifying rice salt-tolerance, which specifically refer to biological and agronomic salt resistance, as well as the response of in vitro cells to salt stress. Then we summarized the progresses of mining salt-resistance rice germplasm resources, mapping the QTLs conferring salt-tolerance, cloning slat-tolerant genes of importance and breeding salt-tolerant rice varieties. Through a long-term evaluation of this trait, some rice germplasm involved in salt tolerance have been identified. + + More than 70 QTLs controlling the salt-related traits of Na /K contents and survival days in rice have been identi- fied. Two sal


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