国际市场营销 第十一篇.ppt

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雀巢公司的新策略: 在尽力使新产品达到更大的一致性外,同时也接受品牌呈现在各地的细微差异。 Global Marketing Management thought has undergone substantial revision In the 1970s the argument was framed as “standardization vs. adaptation” In the 1980s it was “globalization vs. localization” or “Think local, act local” In the 1990s it was “global integration vs. local responsiveness” The basic issue is whether the global homogenization of consumer tastes allowed global standardization of the marketing mix 全球营销管理的观念经历了巨大的变化 20世纪70年代争论的是“标准化还是适应性” 80年代争论的是“全球化还是本土化”或“思考全球化,行动本土化” 90年代争论的是“全球整合还是本土响应” 基本问题是消费者偏好的同质化是否允许营销组合的全球标准化? Economies of scale in production and marketing can be important competitive advantages for global companies Unifying product development, purchasing, and supply activities across several countries it can save costs Transfer of experience and know-how across countries through improved coordination and integration of marketing activities Diversity of markets by spreading the portfolio of markets served brings an important stability of revenues and operations to many global firms 生产和营销的规模经济可以给全球公司带来重要的竞争优势 在几个国家进行统一的产品开发、采购和供应活动可以节省成本 通过营销活动更好的协调和整合,促进经验和技能的跨国整合 由所服务市场的扩展所带来的市场多样化为许多全球企业带来了收入和经营重要的稳定性 The answers to three major questions are sought in Phase 2: Are there identifiable market segments that allow for common marketing mix tactics across countries? Which cultural/environmental adaptations are necessary for successful acceptance of the marketing mix? Will adaptation costs allow profitable market entry? 第二阶段寻求回答三个重要问题: 是否存在允许在不同国家中采用同样的营销组合策略的可识别的细分市场? 需要对营销组合要素作什么样的调整才能适应目标市场的文化和环境条件? 考虑到调整所需的费用,进入某一市场是否仍然有利可图? market characteristics (such as potential sales, strategic importance, cultural differences, and country restrictions) company capabilities and characteristics, including the degree of near-market knowledge, marketing involvement, and commitment that management is prepared to make 市场特点(如潜在销售额、战略重点、文化差异和国家限制等) 公司能力和特征,包括对市场的了解程度、营销投入的力度 管理人员开展营销工作的决心 exporting c


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