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Chapter 5 Education 本章教学的目的 1. 了解中国教育发展简史; 2. 掌握古今教育有关常用术语; 3. 探讨中国教育现状及心目中的优秀教师标准。 本章教学的重难点 1. 古代教育模式、科举制度 2. 现代教育基本概况 3. 国际交流与合作 4. 有关优秀教师标准的讨论 本章教学的时间安排 教师课堂讲解(60 minutes) 1. The Development of Traditional Education (25 minutes) 2. Present Education (30 minutes) 3. International Exchanges and Cooperation (5 minutes) 师生讨论 (10 minutes) 学生课件展示 (30 minutes) The Development of Traditional Education ( 25 minutes) Private Schools (5 minutes) Official Schools (10 minutes ) Imperial Examination System (10 minutes) Private Schools A private school refers to a school set up by a family, clan, or teacher that generally had just one teacher who gave individual tuition, and that had no set textbooks and no specified time span of study. In the Spring and Autumn Period, private schools prevailed and many scholars of different schools of thought spread their teaching in this way. Among them, the private school run by Confucius was the largest and most influential. Official Schools Official schools began during the Western Zhou Dynasty, and were sponsored (创办) by the official constitution called Xiangxue (乡学: official institutions). Only children of nobles were admitted. The official schooling system included a central school and local schools in different administrative regions. The teaching materials were centered on the Four Books and the Five Classics (四书五经). What are the Four Books and the Five Classics ? Four Books The Great Learning 《大学》 The Doctrine of Mean 《中庸》 The Analects of Confucius 《论语》 Mencius 《孟子》 Five Classics The Book of Poems 《诗经》 The Book of History 《尚书》 The Book of Rites 《礼记》 The Book of Changes 《易经》 The Spring and Autumn Annals 《春秋》 The Academy of Classic Learning (书院) It came into being during the Tang Dynasty and continued until the end of the Qing Dynasty. They were established in various localities for studies and lectures. Do you know four famous academies of ancient China? Yuelu Academy (岳麓书院) Bailudong Academ


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