中小型企业烫手管理的山芋(Small and medium enterprises, hot potato).doc

中小型企业烫手管理的山芋(Small and medium enterprises, hot potato).doc

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中小型企业烫手管理的山芋(Small and medium enterprises, hot potato)

中小型企业烫手管理的山芋(Small and medium enterprises, hot potato) Due to the impact of the world economic crisis, in the hot market competition, Chinas many small and medium-sized enterprises have developed into a dilemma. First, the small and medium-sized enterprises funding gap is larger, not one thirty can solve. Bank loans difficult, private financing difficult, because of the triangle debt, so that SMEs can not maintain business credit. Some enterprises are intentional, and some want to still have no money, such commercial credit leads to financing difficulties. In addition, small and medium enterprises do not have enough assets to mortgage, nor can they finance smoothly. Second, small and medium enterprises is difficult to retain talent, due to the market economy, many small and medium-sized enterprises have to get more orders, the production can not be full load, which will form a production order, not only the rest of the order situation, results of the enterprise has no fixed income support, financial resources are not guaranteed, no fixed the labor time, hard - Global Brand Network raise long-term working staff, even the ordinary workers can not stay, dont say the real talent. Ordinary workers can only recruit peasant worker, employee quality is poor, mobility. Third, small and medium-sized enterprises can not form large-scale production because of the shortage of funds. Without large-scale production, they do not have low cost advantages, and the competitiveness of the market is weak, and the profit margins are very small. A year down, there may be a lot of triangle debt, four corner debt, can be guaranteed on the good, profitable enterprises are not many. Although the government has repeatedly issued policies to support small and medium-sized private enterprises, but really difficult to implement. Under such circumstances, small and medium enterprises will face five shortage status: first, lack of strong policy support, two lack of funding sources, three, lack of t


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