实验四--虚函数和操作符重载(Experiment four - virtual functions and operator overloading).doc

实验四--虚函数和操作符重载(Experiment four - virtual functions and operator overloading).doc

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实验四--虚函数和操作符重载(Experiment four - virtual functions and operator overloading)

实验四--虚函数和操作符重载(Experiment four - virtual functions and operator overloading) Title: 1, virtual function Time limit: 1000 ms Memory limit: 10000 K Total time limit: 3000 ms Description: 1. design Person class. Protected members: name string Name; public member function: void Print (); constructor. 2. derive the Student class from the Person class. Protection member: student number int Number; public member function: void Print (); constructor. 3. derive the Teacher class from the Person class. Protection member: int Year; public member function: void Print (); constructor. 4. derive the Graduate class from the Student class. Protection members: research directions string, Research; public member functions: void, Print (); constructors. Define an array of object pointers for the Person class in the main program. The length is entered by the user. The user then inputs the object information (object class and its members) in turn. After all entries are entered, the user enters the location of the object information to be displayed in the array, prints it on the screen, and exits if the user enters exit. Input: pointer array length; Object information (input mode, see input example); The position of the object to display in the array; Exit. Output: the object information requested by the user. Input example: 4 Person Zhang Student Zhao 200905 Graduate Li 200905 DataMining Teacher Luo 10 Zero Two Exit Output example: Person Zhang Graduate Li 200905 DataMining Tip: the member function Print () of the base class is defined as virtual function. Code: #include iostream #include string #include sstream Using namespace std; Class Person { Protected: String Name; String Member; Public: Person (string, name = ASD, string, member = ` ASD ): Name (name), Member (member) { } Virtual, ~Person () { } Virtual, void, Print () { CoutMember Nameendl ; } Virtual, void, set (const, string, member = asdf, const, string, name = ad, const, int, Num = 0, const, string, research=, ASD) { Name =



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