客人进门和离开时的服务基准(Service standards for guests entering and leaving).doc

客人进门和离开时的服务基准(Service standards for guests entering and leaving).doc

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客人进门和离开时的服务基准(Service standards for guests entering and leaving)

客人进门和离开时的服务基准(Service standards for guests entering and leaving) When the market competition is fierce, to maintain the leading position, perfect service is the decisive key. At the same time, other companies with quality products may be at a lower price to fight. So, in addition to providing high value-added services, giving customers no worries (An Xingan) is also a factor in ensuring excellence. Without customers, there is no enterprise, this is the eternal reason. A correct service strategy and successful service, the most important goal is to properly grasp that some customers, then try to use these already won customers to affect the potential customers. Only then has this service standard generation. According to a studio that serves 4000 customers a year, each customer receives an average of 15 studio employees, each with 45 minutes, 60000 times a year, and 45 minutes of contact each time. A contented user, the average will promote his own feeling to meet the mood of three people; the people are not satisfied with an average of 11 people to tell their disappointing experience, a customer is satisfied out of the studio? Still harbor ing leave? This is a major issue, if he feels happy, there will be three people know this thing, if he doesnt feel satisfied, then may lose 11 studio may visit customers. So we have to use the critical moment to prove to the customers that they have made the best choice. Part 1: service standards for guests entering and leaving Guests enter the door 1. service personnel should be welcomed by both feet close together, hands naturally down, and handed over in front of the body, eyes always pay attention to the guests entering the door. 2., visitors to the store, generally divided into three cases: A. photographed guests: under normal circumstances, the camera guests have led, led the hand on the camera flow sheet. Hand over to the field personnel. B. consulting guest: see this case, can lead the guests familiar with two floor proced



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