手脚冰冷的原因 文档(Causes of cold hands and feet documents).doc

手脚冰冷的原因 文档(Causes of cold hands and feet documents).doc

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手脚冰冷的原因 文档(Causes of cold hands and feet documents)

手脚冰冷的原因 文档(Causes of cold hands and feet documents) Why cold hands and feet (2011-01-25 09:04:42) reprint print Tags: health categories: Life Encyclopedia There are a lot of people go to the winter cold hands and feet feel cold, especially of the stand, the night would slow not strength. This is the traditional Chinese medicine, said the Yang, which is commonly known as the cold bottom or cold, the use of Chinese medicine can be long-term conditioning such physical improvements, in clinical years old, women, colds and allergies of children who are mostly body is cold, need medication supplement diet to improve physique. Also can use the principle of cathode born Yang the cold limbs, the bubble in the cold water bubble to not feel water, then dry up, put into bed or pockets, a few minutes will pick up, the effect is quite fast. Yang deficiency patients need to use nourishing medicine, invigorating qi and nourishing blood to Korea ginseng, pilose antler, cinnamon, aconite, placenta, ginseng, Cistanche, psoralea fruit, dodder, rehmannia, angelica, medlar, donkey hide gelatin, tortoise, are often used in medicine, decoction, and chicken, duck, lamb. Eel, Tushi stewed together with delicious and nourishing. The method feasible for some wine processing like symptoms, numbness of limbs, bones often ache patients take sorghum wine, rice wine, rice wine or head, the traditional Chinese medicine is a coarse powder or thinly sliced into eight to two ratio, soaking them, around 2 months can drink. This kind of wine can drink 2 times every day, with the way of drinking. If the spleen and stomach is weak, you can first boil a variety of prescriptions, and then remove the residue juice, let it become paste like, coupled with rock sugar, every night with warm boiled water after opening, like taking loquat cream, take one tablespoon. This way, the spleen and stomach weak, poor digestion and absorption of the most suitable people. Cold hands and feet cold - cardiovascular is too wea


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