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從溫泉發展與管理問題談溫泉法修改思路之研究 詹金維 1 摘 要 近年來溫泉產業蓬勃發展,台灣先天上具有發展溫泉產業的優良條件。近年來溫泉產 業蓬勃發展,而且越來越多元化,例如觀光、遊憩、醫療、養生等。根據觀光局在2003年 做溫泉產業及國民旅遊的調查,休閒旅遊的目的別裡有11.2%的國民選擇SPA和泡湯。但各 地溫泉區的利用缺乏有系統的規劃設計與保育管理,造成管線任意架設,整體景觀凌亂。 溫泉法於2003年7月2日公佈,溫泉法規定如何合理使用溫泉。由於溫泉的利用與經營所牽 涉到的範圍極為廣泛,例如土地、水利、建築、觀光、原住民等議題都有關係,因此可知 道溫泉管理的困難。「溫泉法」將影響溫泉旅遊業的發展,所以本研究將透過文獻蒐集去 分析溫泉管理的問題,期望對台灣溫泉水資源的保育提出另一個思考的方向。 關鍵詞:溫泉,溫泉法 A study on discuss the improvement of the law of hot spring from the development of hot spring and problem of management Jin-Wei Zhan ABSTRCT In recent years the hot spring industry develops fast. Therefore, Taiwan has excellent opportunities in developing hot-spring based tourism industries. Based on the Tourist Bureau’s statistics, there was 11.2% people chose SPA as one of their favorable vacation activities. However, due to the lack of systematic planning, design and proper management, the recreation areas was developed into spotty, disordered and even messy places. Therefore, the hot-springs law announces to July 2, 2003. The hot-springs law stipulate how to use hot spring reasonable. But, The range involved in use and management in the hot spring is very big, For example land, water conservancy, architecture, the aboriginal, etc. So we can know the difficulty of management of hot spring. hot-springs law will influence the development of the hot-spring tourism industries. So, this study will collect the data to analyze the question of hot spring management. Suggestions, then, will be made on how to improve the ways of conservation and utilization of the resources. Keywords: Hot spring, Hot spring law 1 逢甲大學土地管理所研究生 一、緒 論 自人類發現溫泉以來,中外各國如日本、土耳其、匈牙利、冰島等,莫不視為 該國至



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