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新型技术在炉管氧化检测中的应用研究 闫河,李景振 (中国特种设备检测研究院,北京 100029 ) 摘要:大型管式燃料加热炉是石油化工企业中必不可少的重要设备,炉管作为加热炉中重要 的组成部件,不仅投资费用高,占整个加热炉投资50% 以上,而且也是失效频率最高的部件。 其主要原因之一是炉管长期在高温受火的工况下运行极易发生氧化,氧化的直接后果是炉管 壁厚减薄、材质劣化或破坏,因此如何采用有效的检测技术来测试炉管氧化程度显得尤为重 要。本文运用磁性检测技术和声发射检测技术两种新型技术,针对已服役 50000 小时的规格 为Ф114 ×6.5mm 的炉管,分别对其向火面、背火面及过渡面进行磁性测试和声发射衰减测 试,通过对比不同氧化程度的矫顽力大小及声信号衰减状况,来研究磁性检测技术与声发射 检测技术在炉管氧化层厚度检测中的有效性。结果表明,磁性检测技术与声发射检测技术均 可应用于炉管氧化程度的检测,矫顽力的大小取决于炉管的氧化程度及氧化层的附着程度, 而声信号衰减梯度变化对氧化层厚度较敏感,氧化层的厚度越厚其声信号衰减梯度越大。  关键词:炉管,氧化,磁性检测技术,声发射检测技术    Application of new technology in the detection of furnace tube oxidation YAN He, LI Jing Zhen (China Special Equipment Inspection and Research institute, Beijing 100029 China) Abstract: Large tube type fuel heating furnace is an important equipment in petroleum chemical industry, furnace tube as an important component, not only the high cost of investment, the investment accounted for more than 50% heating furnace, but also the highest frequency component failure. The main reason is long-term in high temperature furnace tube under fire conditions of operation oxidized easily, is a direct consequence of the oxide thinning wall of furnace tube, the material damage or deterioration, so how to adopt effective detection techniques to test tube oxidation degree is very important. This paper uses Acoustic emission detection technology and Magnetic detection technology to test magnetic signal and acoustic signal of the fire surface , back surface and transition surface about the tube which is 114 x 6.5mm and has be on active service for 50000 hours. Through compared the different result of testing under the different oxidation degree to study the detection effectiveness of magnetic detection technology and acoustic emission detection t


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