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Theres a man standing on the corner 一个男子站在街角 With a sign saying will work for food You know the man 身边的标示告之 他已失去了工作 You see him every morning 你每天清晨都能见到他 The one you never give your money to 只是你从不施舍 You can sit there with your window rolled up 你安逸的坐在窗前 Wondering when the lights going to turn green 寻思着何时黄昏来临 Never knowing what a couple more bucks 却不曾考虑 In his pocket might mean 那男子口袋中的几元钱对他的意义 What if hes an angel sent here from Heaven 倘若他是天使 从天间下凡 And hes making certain that youre doing your best To take the time to help one another 观察你是否用心尽力去帮助另一个 Brother are you going to pass that test 兄弟 你会通过这个测试吗 You can go on with your day to day 你可以一如既往的打发日子 Trying to forget what you saw in his face 并抹去那张脸在你脑海中记忆 Knowing deep down it could have been his saving grace 但你深知自己曾有过帮助他的机会 What if hes an angel 倘若他是天使 Theres a man Theres a woman Living right above you in apartment G 你的公寓楼上居住着一对夫妻 Theres a lot of noise coming from the ceiling 透过天花板 And it dont sound like harmony 你能听到争执声此起彼伏 You can sit there with your TV turned up 你可以安然的坐在屋内开响电视的音量 While the words and his anger fly 当他的怒吼声传来 Come tomorrow when you see her with her shades on 而次日 当看着她受伤的印记 Can you look her in the eye 你是否还有勇气注视她的眼睛 What if shes an angel sent here from heaven 倘若她是天使 从天间下凡 And shes making certain that youre doing your best To take the time to help one another 观察你是否用心尽力去帮助另一个人 Brother are you going to pass that test 兄弟 你会通过这个测试吗 You can go on with your day to day 你可以一如既往的打发日子 Trying to forget what you saw in her face 并抹去那张脸在你脑海中记忆 Knowing deep down it could have been her saving grace 但你深知自己曾有过帮助她的机会 What if shes an angel 倘若她是天使 A little girl on daddys lap 一个小女孩坐在父亲的膝上 Hiding her disease with a baseball cap 她的棒球帽 You can turn the channel 遮掩住她病痛的模样 Most people do 你可以象其他很多人那样转换频道 But what if you were sitting in her daddys shoes 但是 倘若你是女孩的父亲 你会如何感受 Maybe shes an angel Sent here from Heaven 也许它是天使,来自天堂 And shes making certain youre doing yo


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