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; After studying this unit, you will be able to: ◆ know the importance of telling the truth; ◆ understand the real meaning of honesty; ◆ write a paragraph in chronological order; ◆ use the present participle and the past participle correctly; ◆ plan an on-campus event to promote the virtue of honesty.;Content;;;;PartA_1;In-depth Reading;;3 The study’s author is Anita E. Kelly, a psychology professor at the University of Notre Dame who runs a Templeton Foundation-funded research project called The Science of Honesty. She presented findings from the project’s latest study at the national convention of the American Psychological Association last week and wrote about them at her Psychology Today blog, “Insight.”;;6 During the next five weeks, both groups came to the lab for periodic polygraph tests and standard measures of physical health. By the final week, Kelly says that the results were “amazing.” The Sincerity group reported significantly less physical health problems than the Control group—especially fewer sore throats, headaches, and nausea. They also reported fewer mental health complaints like feeling tense. ;;10 Whatever the case, the results are intriguing. Kelly adds her personal story at her blog, saying, “Ever since the fall, I too have been following these instructions. Normally I get 8 hours of sleep and have 5-7 colds in a winter. Now at only 3 hours of sleep, I have never been sick since the fall.”;;4 凯利和她的团队找来了72名成年人,随机地把他们分为两组:诚实组和对照组。对照组没有获得任何特别的指示(除了被告知他们接下来要参加一个为期五周的实验,实验主题未知);诚实组得到的指示如下: 5 “在接下来五周的每一天里,你的言语一定要诚实、真实和真诚——事无巨细都得实话实说,比如:你为什么迟到。你所说的话必须真实可靠,就如在你的言论会被认真对待的情况下,不是开玩笑或者吹牛。当然,你可以选择不回答问题,但是你所说的一切必须是真实的。”;6 在接下来的五周里,两组人员定期去实验室接受测谎试验和身体健康标准测量。到最后一周,凯利发现实验结果“非常令人吃惊”。诚实组报告的身体健康问题明显要比对照组少——特别是喉咙疼、头疼、恶心反胃等症状少很多。同时他们也较少有感到紧张等心理问题。 7 这项研究的参与者的平均年龄为41岁,除了诚实组被告知“必须要一直说实话”以外,两组参与者没有其他明显的不同之处。影响这个实验的重要因素就是,在五周的时间里诚实组的成员要一直说实话。 ;8 可以说,诚实并不是大多数人的常态。撒谎研究专家罗伯特·费尔德曼的研究表明,大约有60%的人会在一次十分钟的交谈中至少撒谎两次。据凯利估计,一个普通人一天大概会撒谎11次。


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