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  27 杨占平 徐坦 曹建华 李有为 (  226008)  :, , , 0.39 /t ;, , , , 12.5%;YH02 , CP-8 , , 39%。 :;;;;; :TQ433.3;TS4   :A   :1004-5708(2 006)03-0027-04 Study on fine filt rat ion of cellulose diacetat e dope and high dense product ion t echnology YANG Zhan-ping  XU Tan CAO Jian-hua LI Y u-wei (Nant ng Cellul se Fibers C mpany Limited, Nant ng  226008) Abstract :Thr ugh study n the filtrati n f cellul se acetate d pe, an equal-effect filtrati n mathematic m del was pr p sed t carry ut fine filtrati n f the spinning d pe, reducing the ends-ut rati t less than 0 .39/t n t w .Utilizing the techn l - gy f high temperature flash distillati n and high density cellul se extrusi n which was successfully devel ped by systematic in- vestigati n int spinning d pe, the spinning c nglutinati n pr blem was s lved, the shape f single filament was impr ved, and the stability f pressure dr p f filter was increased by 12 .5%.C ntrasted with imp rted CP-8 crimper, the self-ameli rated YH02 crimper was greatly impr ved in gearing structure s that the pr ductive envir nment has been bvi usly impr ved and the stability f crimping energy f t w has been increased by 39%. Key words:cellul se acetate;t w;d pe;filtrati n;extrusi n;crimper   1987 、、 、, 。 YH02 、。 ,, , , 。、 。, YH02 , , 。14 、、Ф54/350H 。 , 1   1.1   :(1966-), , , , 、 , , 226008; , , , (25 ℃150 Pa.s @1s-1), , 。E-mail:jhca @ncfcinf .c m , 。 ::110 1999 01 080 2005


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