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20 3 Vol. 20 No. 3 2011 6 JOURNAL OF NATURAL D ISASTERS Jun. 2011 : 1004- 4574( 2011) 03- 0151- 06 李鸿晶, 金 浏 ( , 210009) : , ( A) ( B), , , , : ; ; ; : P315. 69 : A Num erical response simulation of buried pipeline crossing earthquake fault: som e relative problem s in modelling LIHongjing, JIN Liu ( College of CivilEngineering, Nanjing University of Techno logy, N anjing 210009, China) Abstract: In th is paper, some problems in modeling of fin ite elem ent analysis for buried p ipelines under earth quake fau ltinduced ground deformation w ere discussed. Itwas suggested that the numerical response analysis of the p ipelinespassing through active fau lt is decomposed into wt o steps, they are responses analysis issue of overlaid soil due to bedrock movement ( Step A ) and responses analysis issue of buried p ipelines under faultinduced ground de form ation ( Step B). In Step B, a pipesoil system modelw as establishedw ith the buried pipeline and surround ing soil taken out together from the sem iinfinite earthspace, and the p ipe and soil w ere smi u lated as the th inw all space structure and the un iform solidm edium, respectively. The p ipe, the soil and the contact behavior betw een the pipe and soilw ere allbu ilt up and analyzedw ith fin ite element technology. Some problem s involved in the pipe soil system mode,l such asmechan ics analysismode, determ ination of the calcu lation domain, action of faultmove ment, constitutivemodel selection of p ipe and soi,l in itial stress field of p ipesoil system, failuremode and criterion of p ipe, and so on, w er



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