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The Chinese style is decided by the unique Chinese culture and the Oriental body feature. As the curve of we yellow race’s body is not so obvious, and Chinese are fastidious about self-respect, implicitly and the doctrine of the mean, our clothing is a straight overall with wide coat and fat sleeves, which emphasizes plane design. Dress code White Tie (or Ultra-formal ) 非常正式的场合 It is the most formal occasion, such as medal (v.授奖) parade (典礼), latenight dinner and so on. Men are required to wear tailcoat (燕尾服)with white vest(背心), shirt, and bow tie(蝴蝶结). Women should wear long full-skirted evening grown. Black Tie (or Formal)正式的场合 It is the common dress code. Men should wear tuxedo(餐服,无尾晚礼服), white shirt, black bow tie, black belt(腰带), black socks and black shoes. One can rent(租借) all of these if he does not need it often. Women should wear evening grown with small bag and beautiful shoes. Weather the jewellery(首饰) is true is not concerned, but it must be very shinny(闪亮). Women should wear bracelet and heavy makeup. Chinese women can wear midi(旗袍) as well. Semi-formal (or Cocktail) 半正式的场合/鸡尾酒会 Men wears dark suits and women wears short dress or exquisite(精致的) suits, which is suitable for the semiformal occasions such as wine parties (葡萄酒会 and weddings(婚礼). The Cocktails are always held at 16:00 to 19:00 .People can wear like the day time. But the material quality is important. It better to wear velvet (柔软的)clothes. Casual (or Informal)非正式场合 If you see this in you invitation note ,that means you can wear in the way that you like. But you should avoid shorts(短裤) or sandal(凉鞋) too. If you can show your particularly(特别的) style, it’s very good. Analysis分析 Western people pay lots attention to their clothes in different occasions. It’s a part of western culture. They think that wearing the appropriate(适当的) clothes shows their polite and respect(尊重) to the host, meeting or night dress can make the party more magnificent (伟大的)and formal. If yo


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