九年级Unit 13第一课时生词课.doc

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九年级Unit 13第一课时生词课

Unit 13Rainy days make me sad. 第一课时: New words Teaching and Learning Goals: Learn the new words of Unit. Memorize the words by reading and using them. Learn the use of them and try to spell the words in this unit. Students try to learn how to read and remember the words and phrases , and how to learn individually and collectively. Teaching and learning steps Step 1:Learn to read the words on P156 and P157 Students try to read the words using the phonetics by themselves. Then read with their partners in groups. Get some individual students to read and correct their pronunciation. Follow the teacher because they can hear the teacher pronounce the words clearly and correctly. Read after the tape. Read aloud and the teacher walks around to see if they have any questions. Get some individual students to read again to see if everyone can read correctly. 【设计意图让学生学会试读单词是一种学习习惯的培养,首先学生自己根据音标字读单词,并标出试读有困难的。接着两人一组或以小组为单位解决遇到的困难。然后找单个同学读单词,教师及时更正错音,帮助学生正音。最后让学生跟录音读。如此几步的学习,大多数学生可以熟悉单词的读音,正确试读出单词。,就给他们找老师,他们组的组长就是老师,负责课下教会他们。单词的学习坚持从个体—同伴—小组—整体的原则,培养学生自主学习和小组互助学习的能力。Step 2 : Learn to remember words on P156-157 一. Remember the words by looking at pictures. lagoon 潟湖(旧称泻湖),海岸带被沙嘴、沙坝或珊瑚分割而与外海相分离的局部海水水域。海岸带泥沙的横向运动常可形成离岸坝-潟湖地貌组合。当波浪向岸运动,泥沙平行于海岸堆积,形成高出海水面的离岸坝,坝体将海水分割,内侧便形成半封闭或封闭式的潟湖。在潮流作用下,可以冲开堤坝,形成潮汐通道。涨潮流带入潟湖的泥沙,在通道口内侧形成潮汐三角洲。潟湖沉积是由入潟湖河流、海岸沉积物和潮汐三角洲物质充填,多由粉砂淤泥质夹砂砾石物质组成,往往有黑色有机质粘土与贝壳碎屑等沉积物。 lighting 光线 Soft lighting makes people relaxed. clean-up campaign大扫除活动Pollution makes me want to join a clean-up campaign. slogan 标语 Here is a slogan about protecting the environment. skin 皮肤 The girl has silky skin. toothpaste 牙膏 Toothpaste can make teeth white.


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