人教版 book3 Unit4words.ppt

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人教版 book3 Unit4words

1.system 3. in time: (sooner or later; eventually; )迟早,终于 I’ll see him in time. 总有一天我会遇见他。 in time (for sth. /to do sth.): not late及时 She will be back in time to prepare dinner. 与time相关的短语: on time 按时;准时 at one time 从前 in no time 立刻,马上 at times 有时 at a time 每次;依次 at no time 绝不(倒装) ahead of time 提前 4.unlike prep. 不同;不像 adj Music is an art that is unlike other forms of arts. Unlike his brother, Tom dislikes playing football. dislike vn 不喜欢,讨厌 9.give birth to 1) 生(孩子) She’s just given birth to a healthy baby girl. 她刚刚生了个健康的女婴。 2) 产生 The experience gave birth to his latest novel. 这段奇特的经历促成了他的最新的一部小说的诞生。 10.in one’s turn 轮到某人 It’s in your turn to read the passge. He cooked the meal in his turn this week. in turn 依次、轮流 Please enter the room in turn. by turns 轮流 We kept watch by turns . 我们轮流守望。 11.break out它与happen, take place, come out等词的用法一样,是不及物动词,不能带宾语,不能用于被动语态。 与break相关的短语: break down (机器)出故障,损坏;分解,起化学变化;破坏;拆散 break in 破门而入; 打断 break through 突围; 突破; 冲垮; 克服 break up 打碎; 拆散; 分裂; 分解 break ones word/promise 食言; 说话不算数 Good bye! * Learning key words and expressions in unit 4 The computer system broke down. 这位老师教学方法很独特。 systematic adj. (有)系统的;有条理的 systematically adv. (有)系统地;有条理地 搭配:the solar system 铁路系统 太阳系 a railway system 计算机系统瘫痪了。 The teacher has a special system of teaching. n. 系统,体系;制度 2.violent (adj.) 猛烈的;激烈的; 猛烈的进攻 极其的厌恶 极度痛苦 (adv.) 猛烈地;激烈地; (n.) 猛烈;激烈;暴力; 船在海上强烈的风暴中沉没。 The boat sank in a ______ ______ at sea. violent storm violently a viol


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