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教学互动网站的设计与实现 摘要 本教学互动网站设计是基于网络,使用ASP.NET技术来实现的。通过详细的需求分析,依据实际来确定设计目标,完善功能。然后编程,调试,建成了一个完善的教学互动网站设计系统。现代大学生所学的科目繁多,每天接收新的知识量之大之多,仅仅课堂教学的时间是不能让学生真正掌握应用知识。为了打破这个现状,为学科教师与学生提供全新的学习交流平台,改革传统教学模式、实现学科与信息技术整合、培养学生信息素养,设计了教学互动网站,主要是针对教师在教学上的使用,操作界面上的设计以简单方便为主,使教师能借由网络打破时间和地点的限制,与学生之间架起更良好的沟通的环境。 通过对这样一个网站的设计过程,巩固了所学理论知识,提高了动手能力。由于是初次尝试,水平有限,有许多不足之处,敬请指教。 关键词:ASP.NET ; 后台管理 ; 在线答疑 ; 信息发布 Interactive website design and implementation Abstract The website design for teacher teaching is based on the Internet , using the technology of ASP.NET to realize. First, through the detailed demand analysis, I determine the project objective and function. Then after the programming and the debugging, I has completed a perfect system of the website design for teacher teaching. There are so many subjects and knowledge for the university students, so class Instructions cannot enable the student to master the application knowledge truly. In order to break the present situation, provide the brand-new study platform for teachers and students, reform traditional educational model, realize conformity of the discipline and the information technology and raise the students’ information accomplishments, I have designed the website design for teacher teaching to enable teachers to break the limit of the time and the place and build a better communication with the students, which aims at teachers who use in teaching. Through the practice, I have learned theoretical knowledge and improve the beginning ability. There are still many deficiencies because of the primary attempt, so I sincerely hope your advice and suggestion. Key words:ASP.NET , Background Managementsolve , Puzzles Online , Information Issue 目录 1绪论 1 1.1 教学互动网站的研究现状 2 1.2 设计思想 2 1.3 设计目标 3 2网站开发的相关技术 5 2.1 ASP.NET技术 5 2.2 ACCESS技术 6 3系统需求分析及设计 8 3.1 系统功能分析 8 3.2 系统功能模块设计 10 3.2.1模块化设计思想 10 3.2.2各功能模块的详细设计 11 3.3 数据库设计 20 3.3.1数据库分析 20 3.3.2数据库连接 23 3.4 web界面设计原则 24 4系统实现 27 4.1系统测试 27 4.2系统维护 28 结 论 29 参考文献 30 1绪论 随着计算机技术网络


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