沪教版深圳市八年级上册英语Unit3Computers 第2课时 课件 叶碧洁.ppt

沪教版深圳市八年级上册英语Unit3Computers 第2课时 课件 叶碧洁.ppt

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沪教版深圳市八年级上册英语Unit3Computers 第2课时 课件 叶碧洁

Period 2 Reading (II) Module 2 Science and technology Oxford English Unit 3 Computers Revision 1 Read the sentences and pay attention to the words in italics. Write one word or phrase that is related to or similar in meaning to the words in italics. 1 The racing car runs at 230 km an hour. It’s really fast! 2 Where is the ant? I can’t see it. It’s so small. 3 He just stood in the road. He didn’t see the car coming. 4 I decide to go to Wuhan by train. 6 The young man made his robot move with a remote control. 5 We cannot always ask our parents for help. speed be unaware of railway depend on operate tiny Computer Where do we use computers in our daily life? Share your ideas. ATM bank While you read 2 Read the first part of the article and complete the table below. Smaller and better The first computers in the 1940s Computers nowadays becoming Example Conclusion bigger than cars smaller and better There is probably a tiny computer inside your TV or washing machine. You depend on computers more than you realize. We can use compu-ters to calculate Advantages Examples calculate at a faster speed than we can almost never give wrong answers type and draw things do important jobs fly planes operate railways Read the second part of the article and complete the table below. What can we do with computers? fly spaceships Read the third part of the article and answer some questions. Is a computer cleverer than me? No, it isn’t. Because the human brain can produce new ideas but computers cannot. The job of a doctor. We may have nothing to do. S1: We can do many things with computers in our daily life. S2: For example? S1: We can _________, _________ and ________________ with them. S1: There may be tiny computers in your home. S2: Where, for example? S1: Inside your _________ or ________________. 2 1 After you read 3 D1 Complete the answers with the examples from the article. TV washing machine calculate ty


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