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第 3卷第 5期                 智  能  系  统  学  报                 Vo l. 3 №. 5 2008年 10 月             CAA I Tran saction s on In telligen t System s              O ct. 2008 概念特化的概念格更新构造算法 杜秋香 ,张继福 ,张素兰 (太原科技大学 计算机科学与技术学院 , 山西 太原 030024) 摘  要 :概念格是形式概念分析中的核心数据结构 ,概念格应用的瓶颈之一是其构造效率. 针对形式背景的某个属 性分解为多个新属性得到更加特化的概念 ,给出了一种基于概念特化的渐进式更新构造算法. 该算法利用分解后的 新属性及其相应的形式背景 ,构造出的概念格与原概念格的某个子概念格作比较 ,来更新构造概念格 ,从而减少了 比较次数 ,提高了更新构造的效率. 以天体光谱数据作为形式背景 ,实验验证了该算法的正确性和有效性. 关键词 :概念格 ;渐进式构造 ;概念特化 ;更新构造 中图分类号 : TP311 文献标识码 : A  文章编号 :(2008) An improved a lgor ithm ba sed on concept spec ia liza tion for con structing concept la ttices DU Q iuxiang, ZHAN G J ifu , ZHAN G Sulan ( School of Comp uter Science and Techno logy, Taiyuan U n iversity of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024 , Ch ina) Abstract:Concep t lattices are the core data structure s in form al concep t analysis. The w idesp read app lication of con cep t analysis is lim ited by the difficu lty of con structing a concep t lattice. An increm en tally up dating con struction algo rithm based on concep t sp cialization wa s develop ed after it wa s realized that the attribute s in the form al context can be decompo sed in to several new attribute s, or more sp ecialized concep ts. The algorithm , w ith decompo sed attribu tes and a corre sponding form al con text, comp are s the concep t lattice form ed w ith the new attribute s and one of the sublattices of the original concep t lattice, then up grade s the concep t lattice according to re su lts from the comp arison s. In th is way the number of comp arison s is reduced and the efficiency of con structing the concep t lattice is imp roved. Exp eri m ent re su lts, w ith celestia



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