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学年论文题目动物福利壁垒对我国国际贸易的影响及对策研究学院商学院专业国际经济与贸易班级国贸1302学生张伟康学号 20132220190指导教师谢文涛二〇一六年七月二十二日摘要动物福利壁垒最早起源于上世纪九十年代。随着人们对保护动物意识的加强,越来越多的国家对动物福利问题制定了详细的标准。但是由于各国发展状况不同,在认识动物福利问题上也存在差异。随着世界经济一体化和国际贸易的发展,更多的国家将动物福利与国际贸易相结合,设置动物福利壁垒限制其他国家的产品进入本国市场。本文首先通过引入对动物福利壁垒内涵的引入,详细介绍了动物福利壁垒的特征和表现形式。然后分析动物福利壁垒产生的原因,研究动物福利壁垒对我国相关产品出口的影响。我国的动物福利标准较低,在动物和动物产品出口时处于被动地位。因此,提高动物福利标准,消除动物福利壁垒对我国国际贸易具有重要影响。综上,在对动物福利壁垒的现状和影响因素做了详细研究后,本文最后在分析研究的基础上,立足于我国基本国情,借鉴国际先进经验和技术,对我国应对动物福利壁垒的问题上提出了可行性建议。通过本文,让大家对动物福利壁垒有一个具体深刻的认识,提高我国每个人的动物福利意识。争取在我国大众的共同努力下,减少或消除动物福利壁垒,使我国在国际贸易中处于有利地位,促进贸易发展,增加国民收入。关键词:动物福利壁垒;国际贸易;进出口;对策ABSTRACTAnimal welfare barriers originated in the last century in 90s.With the people enhance awareness of the protection of animals, more and more countries developed detailed standards in animal welfare issues. But due to the different development situation of a country, in understanding animal welfare exist differences. With the development of the integration of the world economy and international trade, more countries combine animal welfare and the combination of international trade, set animal welfare barriers to restrict other countries products to enter the domestic market.Firstly, through the introduction of the connotation of animal welfare barrier, introduced in detail the characteristics and forms of animal welfare barriers. Then analyzing the reasons of animal welfare barriers and studying the influence of animal welfare barrier on the export of related products in China. Chinas animal welfare standards are lower. And the export of animals and animal products is in a passive position. Therefore, to improve the animal welfare standards, eliminating animal welfare barriers has an important influence to Chinas international trade.To sum up, in the status and influencing factors of animal welfare barriers made a detailed study. Finally, this paper on the basis of research and analysis, based on in Chinas basic national conditions, learn from the advanced experience and technology, to


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