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唐 山 学 院 毕 业 设 计 设计题目:基于PLC的变频中央空调温度控制系统设计 系 别: 智能与信息工程学院 班 级: 姓   名: 指 导 教 师: 田丽欣 2016年6月1 日 基于PLC的变频中央空调温度控制系统 设计 摘 要 为了保证环境温度和湿度的舒适,大多酒店、大型商场、工厂车间、写字楼甚至学校等都装有中央空调系统,方便管理以及节约能源。但传统的中央空调能源利用率还是相对较低,普遍存在30%左右的无效能耗。传统的中央空调能源消耗大,而效率相对低下,无论负荷的大小,电机已及系统都是在全负荷的状态下工作的,当用户不需要这么大的负荷时,就造成了资源的浪费。 中央空调系统由空调主机,冷却水泵、冷却塔,冷冻水泵、风机、盘管系统等组成。冷冻水是流过空调主机后,经过空调主机制冷降温,通过冷冻泵输送到各个房间中,然后通过盘管系统,和室内的空气进行热交换,最后再流回空调主机,形成循环。而冷却水系统则主要是给空调主机降温,在冷却泵的作用下,冷却水流经空调主机,把空调主机的热量带走,再在冷却塔处经由却塔风机进行散热,最后再流回空调主机,形成循环。冷冻水、冻却水作为热量的载体,不断地把室内的热量带到室外。本论文所研究的中央空调系统可在PLC的控制下,利用PT-100温度变送器采集室内温度,通过EM235模拟量输入输出模块将采集到的温度度数转化为模拟量,进行PID计算,转化后输送给变频器,变频器再带动电机做出相应的加减速转动,使室内温度发生变化,从而形成闭环控制,实现最优控制,低能源高效率,保证居住、工作环境的温度和湿度的同时,最大空间的节约能源,提高能源利用率。 关键词:中央空调温度控制 PLC EM235 变频器 PID控制 esign of Variable frequency central air conditioning temperature control system based on PLC Abstract In order to ensure the comfort of the temperature and humidity environment, many hotels, large shopping malls, factories, office buildings, and even schools have been installed central air-conditioning system, to facilitate the management and energy conservation. But the traditional central air conditioning energy utilization is still relatively low, there are about 30% of the invalid energy consumption. The traditional central air-conditioning energy consumption, and efficiency is relatively low, regardless of the size of the load, motor and system are working under the state of full load, when users do not need such a big load, causing the waste of resources. The central air conditioning system by the air conditioning host, cooling water pump, cooling tower, chilled water pump, fan coil system, etc. Chilled water is through the air conditioning host, after a cool air conditioning refrigeration host, through the frozen pump into the rooms, and then through the coil system, and indoor air heat exchange, and then flow back to the air conditioning hos


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