江苏省东海县横沟中学七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Pets Reading课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

江苏省东海县横沟中学七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Pets Reading课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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江苏省东海县横沟中学七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Pets Reading课件 (新版)牛津版

poem wide hunt hide build camp stick n. 诗歌 adv. 充分地 vi. vt. 寻找,搜寻;打猎 vi. vt. 藏,隐藏 vt. 建造,建筑 n. 营地;阵营 n. 树枝,枝条;棍,棒 bark bite fight look after till end vi. (狗)吠,叫 vi. vt. 咬 vi. vt. 打仗(架); 与……打仗(架) 照顾 prep. 到…时,直到…为止 n. 终止;末尾,终点 trouble bubble gentle touch rhyme care take care of n. 麻烦 vi. 吐泡泡 adj. 温柔的 n. 触摸,碰 vi. 押韵 n. 照料,照顾 照顾 My goldfish Is the goldfish a wonderful pet? Does she need a bed, a rabbit hutch and much food? What do they usually do? What doesn’t she do? Match the sentences He doesn’t just chase and A. He does amazing catch a ball. things. He hunts when I hide. B. He can run after a ball and do other things. 3. He does wonderful tricks. C. He looks around for me. He’d never bark or bite. D. And I always take care of him 5. And I’ll look after him E. He is friendly. until the end. * Poems about pets 7B Unit 8 Reading lovely pets many little mice teach a parrot to speak sleep on his knees feed rabbits carrots watch goldfish swim around bring me my lunch something to eat hold an e-dog in the hand That’s it. 可爱的宠物 许多小老鼠 教鹦鹉说话 在他膝盖上睡觉 喂兔子胡萝卜 看金鱼四处游泳 带给我午饭 一些吃的东西 把电子狗握手里 这就对了。 她能把那只老鼠拿在手里吗? 不,她害怕老鼠。 2. 我们应该每天保持教室干净整齐。 3. 我经常听见他们在隔壁房间唱歌。 4. 爷爷去年养了许多猪。 5. 不要把包带进超市。 Can she hold the mouse in her hand? No, she’s afraid of mice. We should keep our classroom clean and tidy every day. I often hear them sing in the next room. Grandpa raised a lot of pigs last year. Don’t bring the bag into the supermarket. Do you like animals? duck chick dog What can a dog do? He can chase. run after He hunts. looks around for sth. He does wonderful tricks. amazing things He opens his eyes wide. He can hide in the cag


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