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域外商业方法法律保护方式和其借鉴   摘要:市场的发展促进了经济的增长,提升了总体的经济水平,丰富了整个市场的消费体验,这一切进步离不开企业对商业方法的创新投入。然而,市场竞争也随之加剧,能为企业带来收益的商业方法会引起大家的广泛关注,如果不对其加以保护,企业前期的努力将会付诸东流,甚至从占有市场竞争的绝对优势降低到不使用该创新前的水平,长此以往,企业的价值实现便是个难题了。由此国内外便引发了关于商业方法法律保护方式的热议,人们都在试图探寻出一条法律的道路给商业方法创造一个很好的法律保护方式。本文就欧美等地等对商业方法进行专利保护的方式展开讨论,对这些地区针对性的进行立法保护、严格商业方法专利审查规则等手段的采取所产生的利弊分析,并由此得出域外种种保护方式对国内立法的借鉴意义。 关键词:商业方法;法律保护;立法规则 【abstract】 the development of the market to promote the economic growth, improve the overall economic level, enrich the consumption of the whole market experience, all progress depends on the enterprise innovation input to the business methods. Market competition has increased, however, can bring benefits for the enterprise business methods can cause everyone’s attention, if you don’t protect them, the early stage of the enterprise’s efforts will be lost, even from occupies the absolute advantage of market competition to reduce to not use the level before the innovation, in the long run, enterprise value is a difficult problem. Thus at home and abroad has sparked heated debate about legal protection of business method approach, people are trying to find a legal way to business methods to create a good legal protection. In this paper, such as Europe and the United States and other places of business method patent protection way to discuss these areas targeted for legislative protection, strictly business methods patent examination rules and other means to take the advantages and disadvantages of analysis, and thus outside the significance of protection mode of domestic legislation. 【key words】 business methods; Legal protection; Legislative rules ① 作者简介:吴月红,女,河南省开封市兰考县人,华南理工大学法学专业博士研究生,研究方向为刑事诉讼法学、司法程序制度研究。 0 前言 当前,对于石油工业来说,机械设备管理体制面临着从传统的“小而全”、“大而全”的封闭型管理向以工程任务为主导、项目需求为轴心的开放型管理转变。在石油工业中,石油开采设备尤其是油田水泥车是保证油田完成生产任务的必要手段,因此,要想推进油田开发的安全高效运行,就必须在质量上下功夫,要不断加强油田水泥车的维修和维护,提高作业的效率和质量,提高油田开发效果。 1 油田水泥车维修与维护的影响因素 油田水泥车作为石油开采工业中的一种基础性设施,在油水井修井、试油工作、油层的改造、油田的勘测中都发挥着重要的作用。然而,在具体的施工环节中,油田水泥车往往又是最容


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